Various effective ways to stop smoking

Feb 26




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Smoking is one habit that never gets you anywhere, but simply deteriorates your health. Not only does it weakens the immunity system of the body but also has various other adverse effects.

If you do not stop smoking at the earliest you may have to face serious ailments like lung cancer,Various effective ways to stop smoking Articles coronary heart diseases and chronic-obstructive lung diseases like emphysema and bronchitis. These ailments and constant smoking thus may also lead to premature death as with very cigarette that is smoked; your life span is reduced by 5 minutes. So, if you want to stop smoking but are looking for some effective methods to do so, you will be glad to know that there is not just one, but various ways by which you can combat this life threatening habit.

Some great ways to stop smoking are the following:


Hypnosis is a great and very effectual way to adopt if you want to stop smoking at once without any medication. This is so because the hypnotist successfully hypnotizes you and removes the very notion of holding a cigarette when you are in a sub- conscious state. When you wake up from this state, you never feel like smoking from within and thus your habit is curbed.

Nicotine gum and patches

The nicotine gums and patches help you in overcoming the addiction for smoking cigarettes, by releasing nicotine slowly in your body. As the urge for nicotine is satiated this way, you do not have to smoke. To make this nicotine replacement method really effective, you also have to be strong willed.


Zyban is basically an anti-depressant that is used for helping smokers to stop smoking . As many people smoke to reduce tension and work stress, Zyban can be a good alternative to curb the habit arising from stress related causes.


Nicobrevin is actually a nicotine free supplement that alleviates the various withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking. This supplement is believed to calm the nerves to a great extent and to provide with great relief.

Varencline (Champix)

Varencline (Champix) is a tablet course that decreases your urge to smoke when there is less nicotine in your blood after you have stopped smoking. In fact, in various cases it also reduces the satisfaction derived from smoking the cigarette so that the patient does not try it again.

So, adopt any method that you think will be the best for you and stop smoking now!

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