Very Effective Head Lice Exterminators
The beginning of a new school year opens the door to many new and revisited things, one of which is classrooms filled with kids and a very common head lice problem. This is usually a individual problem until the kids begin to mingle and share personal things such as hats, combs, brushes, hair clips and some pieces of clothing that will most likely see head lice become a huge problem as it starts to spread very quickly from child to child. Cubbies it seems is also a very good breeding ground for these little body creatures.
The beginning of a new school year opens the door to many new and revisited things,

one of which is classrooms filled with kids and a very common head lice problem. This is usually a individual problem until the kids begin to mingle and share personal things such as hats, combs, brushes, hair clips and some pieces of clothing that will most likely see head lice become a huge problem as it starts to spread very quickly from child to child. Cubbies it seems is also a very good breeding ground for these little body creatures.
All it takes is one of these little bugs and the problems begin. These little creatures multiply faster than cats and take over the head of unsuspecting children. The problem is that by the time that you realize that little itch should be telling you something you are likely apologizing to many parents of young children for sharing this problem with them. These little creatures get around.
Let's look at one of the myth associated with head lice. This one suggests that head lice are dirty, but the truth is that they like clean and well groomed hair much better and will be attracted to this type of hair much faster than less groomed heads. Moving along to the over the counter medicine makers who claim that they have the best lice removal available when in fact the real truth is very different from these claims. Very different in that most are sadly ineffective at lice removal and contain chemicals and toxins that in some cases worse than the lice infestation and can cause your child harm as many kids and their reactions to these treatments has been well documented.
You might be asking what can anyone do to rid themselves and their children of head lice and remain rid of them. There are in fact a few very good ways to zap both the lice and the eggs in one method, with no adverse affects to the person like the Robi Comb has proven. There are also holistic companies that have available non-toxic treatments, that are pesticide free and do kill the lice without any negative side effects. If you would rather do a bang up job without all the expense and know that your scalp will be a lice killing field, use the mayonnaise or Vaseline from your own fridge or medicine shelf. There are a little messy, but they do get the job done and are considered to be a superior treatment for lice. You will look like you survived a oil slick on your head, but that should last about a week. In the meantime the lice and the eggs suffocate.
In the long run, head lice are a nuisance, but there is little that can be done to avoid this problem when children are constantly in close quarters with each other. Treatment and re-treatments is necessary to not only help your child feel better but also to help prevent further spread of these little creatures.