Ways To Spot Colon Cancer Early
Colon cancer is one of the most deadliest cancers that people can go through. What makes it so dangerous is how difficult it is to catch early. Learn the early symptoms so you can treat it in time.
Colon cancer is a medical problem that is very deadly and is considered as one of the strongest cancers to spot when in the early levels. When this cancer spreads it will extend to the whole colon as well as the rectum and it may spread to other essential organs contained in the body.
There are certain kinds of measures that can be done to treat colon cancer - but the chances of survival are reduced when the person is in the late level of it. For best chances of survival it is important to study how to recognise the early symptoms of colon cancer. The earlier you can get the treatment you demand the higher your chance is to endure and beat it.
The more popular early signs is rectal bleeding. Yet,

this can commonly be mixed up with hemorrhoids. This is not the time to be taking any chances or trying to guess your medical condition. Instead you will want to speak to your doctor and let them find out for you what the trouble is.
Blood contained in your bowel movements is also a common misdiagnosed symptom. At time the blood can be dried and it can be difficult to find or ignored easily. This bleeding is normally a hint that there is a tumor in the colon or the rectum.
There are other more subtle signs that individuals never seem to acknowledge because they are not painful or frightening in anyway. Narrow stools over a long period of time could be a symptom of a tumor. The narrow shape of the waste in your body is caused when it is trying to work its way round the tumor.
If you are feeling constipated and bloated for a long period of time then you should consult your doctor. Also nausea and vomiting can take place and seems to happen without any obvious reason. You may also experience that you always have to eliminate a bowel - but can’t seem to. All of this is caused by the tumor in your rectum or colon.
Ensure that you get hold of your doctor and have a thorough exam if you are experiencing any of these troubles. Early detection can raise your survival rate and assist you to live your life in comfort.