Weight Loss: Is ‘Outcome Anxiety’ Holding You Back?
In this article, I attempt to describe this destructive mindset which I called "outcome anxiety", explain why it can lead to failure if left unchecked and finally I'll look at strategies for overcoming it to reach your ultimate weight loss goal.
No need to look up 'outcome or results anxiety',
this is not, as far as I know, official psychology 'speak'! This is simply a term which seems to describe quite well the state of mind my clients often experience on a healthy eating program.Outcome anxiety is a trick the mind plays on the most determined dieter: the goal itself becomes the undoing of the whole endeavor.The higher and more lofty the goal, the more damaging 'outcome anxiety' seems to be.For example...Just picture yourself with 3 stone to lose and only just off the starting blocks with healthy eating. Looking at this goal, and all the habits you're going to be changing, the decisions you're going to have to make, the temptations you're going to have to resist, it can seem like an endless journey to get there.In reality, what you really would like, is to lose 3 stone RIGHT NOW, and be able to fit into those skinny jeans THIS Saturday. Wouldn't it be great to eliminate the uncertainty that lies ahead - the fear of losing your motivation somewhere along the way?The irony is...Because you are afraid of losing your focus, you lose your focus, and because you are afraid of failing, you can fail. Twisted, huh?No wonder so many 'not so scrupulous' diet companies are doing so well, leading people to believe they can achieve amazing results with no time or effort (and no consequences).Recognize this pattern?Don't worry, many people have been there before you. Look at all the philosophers throughout time who have commented on long journeys and how best to keep motivated. Didn't Martin Luther King Jr say: "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."? Not taking the first step but imagining you can reach your goal NOW is the surest path to failure.One step at a timeYou're half way there already, once you've realized you've been a victim of 'outcome anxiety'. Once you're aware, you won't be fooled by this mindset. Remind yourself to just take that next step.I'll tell you a story about a gentleman I worked with recently. Once he discovered the process itself was an enjoyable one, with tasty recipes, a feeling of being in control, as well as a feeling of well being (instead of energy dips and cravings), he decided to focus on this. Not to worry about the results. And of course, this is when his results started to become seriously successful. Seemingly effortlessly.So why not try this for yourself? Focus on one step at a time, and never let your goal destroy your motivation. You can find lots of free resources for weight loss and healthy nutrition at our website, http://www.superwellness.co.uk, including videos and free product trials.