What Are Some of the Safe Hemroid Treatments for Pregnant Women?

Oct 22




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Find out why pregnancy makes you more prone to hemorrhoids and what you can do about them.


Pregnancy often leads to hypertension and increased strain during bowel movements. Since these two are among the primary causes for the development of hemorrhoids,What Are Some of the Safe Hemroid Treatments for Pregnant Women? Articles the condition is commonly associated with pregnancy. Being aware of the hemroid treatments available for pregnant women can save you a lot of discomfort during pregnancy.

The hormone progesterone is present in significant amounts in the body during pregnancy. This hormone results in the relaxation of veins, making it prone to swelling. Since hemorrhoids are also caused by the swelling of veins, pregnancy is considered a ripe condition for the development of hemroids.

Safe Hemroid Treatments for Pregnant Women

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, then the experience of pregnancy may be ruinous for you. So, pregnant women suffering from hemorrhoids must take extra care to protect themselves from worsened pain and discomfort. Some safe hemroid treatments available for pregnant women are:

  • Wet Tissues: Using dry toilet tissues for wiping may cause more irritation. So you can keep a box of wet tissues to use. This can greatly reduce the pain and irritation caused by hemroids. This method can help even if you develop hemroids during the course of your pregnancy.

  • Hydration: Your body functions well when it is adequately hydrated. Hence, proper hydration is the key to avoiding constipation. Since constipation is a major cause of developing hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you should drink a lot of water throughout the day. Always keep a bottle of water handy, so that you can keep sipping.

  • Applying Ice Packs: You can also obtain relief from itching and pain caused by hemorrhoids with the application of ice packs. This can be done by wrapping ice in a soft tissue paper and sitting on it for sometime. For severe form of hemorrhoids, you can add hazel to the ice pack. This can also enhance your bowel movement.

  • Sitz Bath and Soaking: These are among the effective methods of hemorrhoids treatment. Sitz baths are plastic basins which can be placed on the opening of the toilet bowl. Fill the basin with warm water and seat yourself in this warm water. This provides relief from irritation and pain caused by hemorrhoids.

If you are well-informed about the development of hemorrhoids, you will not have to suffer during pregnancy. Hence, to know more about the prevention and cure of hemorrhoids, use the resources at Hemroids Info.  The website http://www.hemroidshemorrhoids.netis a comprehensive information source about hemorrhoids.