Every moment of your life your brain is active. It is pulsingwith electrical impulses; you heard that right, electricity! Theelectricity or electrical current generated by the brain can bemeasured with an electroencephalogram (EEG), which measures thefrequency of the electrical current. This frequency or speed ofthe brainwave is measured in Hertz(HZ).
Now here is the really cool part. These frequencies can beassociated with your state of mind at any particular moment. This means that your state of mind, for example being relaxed,frightened, or sleepy...can be "seen" in your brainwavefrequencies. The speed of the frequency allows us to categorizeour brainwaves into four broad categories.
There are four common brainwave patterns that have been wellresearched and documented. They are:
BETA WAVES - 14Hz to 20Hz. Beta waves are associated with normalwaking consciousness. They are present when you are focused onactivities in the outside world.
ALPHA WAVES - 8Hz to 13Hz. Alpha waves are likened to a lightmeditation. They are prevalent when you daydream. They willbecome stronger when your eyes are closed.
THETA WAVES - 4Hz to 7Hz. Theta waves occur during heightenedstates of creativity and are found with a deep meditative state.
DELTA WAVES - .5Hz to 3Hz. Delta waves are found in a deep sleepstate or unconsciousness. Also, Delta waves are common in verydeep meditation.
A predominance of Alpha waves in the brain is associated withaccelerated learning, focus and enhanced creativity. When youare focus on something, there is a predominance of Alpha waves. No matter what your profession or hobby, these attributes willincrease your productivity and enhance your experience.
A deep meditative state is true bliss. Increase your Theta wavesand you are on your way to this state. In the Theta state youcan lose your attachment to the physical body. You will feel adeep sense of physical relaxation. This disconnect of mind andbody allows you to focus on the inner you, the higher self. Thisis the ideal state to begin your journey into meditation.
A Delta state has long been associated with sleep. If you havetrouble sleeping, the CDs targeting this range will helpimmensely. Having a CD that targets the Delta brainwaves willallow you to enter a deep sleep state easily. It will be time tosay goodbye to insomnia!
Recently there has also been some research that suggests that aneven deeper meditative state can occur during predominate Deltawave activity. As you gain experience and comfort withmeditation, you may want to try reaching a Delta state duringmeditation.
The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.
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