Although the causes of bad breath can be very important to understand, knowing what they are won’t really do any good unless you know how to cure them. There are a few cures of bad breath that are quite obvious to most of us who know the basics of dental hygiene, but there can still be a few bad breath cures out there that many of us aren’t even aware of.
Of course the most important trick for keeping bad breath under control is to prevent it by brushing and flossing on a regular basis. If you don’t feel like you have time for brushing and flossing your first instinct may be to just use mints or gum to keep the bad breath at bay, but this is a mistake. Not only do mints and gum only give you a temporary solution that is not part of a whole oral hygiene routine, they can also cause you bad breath in the long run. A lot of types of gum and especially breath mints will alter the pH balance of the mouth which can lead to keeping your bad breath instead of killing it. And even when we do take the time to brush and floss, many of us still may not realize that we are only doing a fraction of what we could do to prevent and stop halitosis. The key to true bad breath reduction through oral hygiene is tongue scraping. You have to get way back at the base of the tongue to really cure halitosis by cleaning, because that’s where a lot of the oral bacteria hang out. Investing in a tongue scraper could be a bad breath lifesaver!
Surprisingly enough, keeping your mouth wet could play a major role in keeping the bad breath away. You want to make sure you are keeping the right balance of saliva so that your pH balance doesn’t get altered too much and so that you can wash away bacteria that would otherwise stick around and cause bad breath. The easiest way to do this of course is to drink lots of fluids, but if you have more persistent problems with dry mouth you may be able to invest in a humidifier to prevent it.
It may not be the most appealing way to end bad breath but watching what you eat could significantly reduce the problems associated with bad breath. Some of the worst foods you can eat would be coffee, garlic, onions and other similar offenders. The best way to avoid food related bad breath is to make sure you avoid these foods. If you really just can’t bear to give up some of your favorite foods that may be causing your bad breath, a sprig of parsley after each meal may help out a lot. Chewing parsley is thought to curb bad breath caused by foods, as well as drinking teas and eating cranberries.
And on the opposite end of the food spectrum is to make sure you are eating plenty of carbohydrates. Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do to fix bad breath that’s caused by ketosis from a low carb diet except to eat more carbs. But if it is important to you to lose some weight while still maintaining better breath then you may want to try vegetable and whole grain carbs as opposed to the tempting cake and doughnuts.
If you’ve tried everything and nothing is getting rid of your bad breath then check yourself for symptoms of some common diseases and go see your general practitioner. Serious illnesses that may be the cause of bad breath for some will require a diagnosis from a physician and can be very serious requiring important medical attention.
Cutting Off Access for Oral Bacteria May Be Key to Preventing Tooth Decay
The journal of Microbiology recently published a study containing results which suggest that we may now have the keys to preventing gum disease and tooth loss. The study says that if we can strip some oral bacteria from being able to access the other pathogenic oral bacteria then we may be able to use them to help prevent decay and loss.New Oversight Means New Rules for Credit Collectors
Recently a major consumer finance watchdog released reports that the government has plans to regulate previously unregulated financial firms. Now these debt collectors and credit reporting agencies are preparing themselves for the worst.Green Beer? Try Green Teeth
This Saint Patrick’s Day thousands of people across the U.S. will be going out to celebrate with lots of delicious green foods like green cakes, green cupcakes, green chocolate, green eggs and ham, and even the popular Saint Patty’s Day hit green beer. But all this green food has one thing in common: green food coloring. In small doses green food coloring can be a fun way to brighten up your food or play along for Saint Patrick’s Day, but after eating green food coloring all day a person’s teeth will quickly start to show that green dye.