What does Natural Health Mean to You?,

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"What's your natural health IQ? All too often, we become caught up with the "what's in" phase of society. Being the average consumer of a myriad of healthcare options, it's sometimes difficult to distinguish what is in our best interest - especially when we're inundated..."


What's your natural health IQ? All too often,What does Natural Health Mean to You?, Articles we become caught up with the "what's in" phase of society.  Being the average consumer of a myriad of healthcare options, it's sometimes difficult to distinguish what is in our best interest - especially when we're inundated with a constant flow of TV commercials talking about various pharmaceuticals and other conventional health treatments.  News reports seem to conflict one another - what's great one day for lowering cholesterol might be detrimental to our bodies five years down the road; likewise, pain-killing drugs like the recent arthritis anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx proved to have serious health repercussions.  What has never changed, however, is the fact that basic natural health remedies are frequently the best choice for all concerned.

For instance, natural health products like CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10) have been proven to help lower blood pressure and improve heart health.  In addition, there are many individuals who seek anti-aging methods; often turning to plastic surgery, harsh chemical peels, and botox to improve the look and feel of skin.  Today, there are several alternatives to improving the condition of your skin naturally including facial massage, pomegranate extract, vitamin E and coconut milk - to name a few natural health solutions.

Homeopathic remedies for acne, common colds and flu, strains and other musculoskeletal pain have also shown to work effectively without the drastic side effects of conventional medicine. Aforementioned and other natural health care treatments are beginning to gain leeway in North America, as more and more consumers are demanding safe and noninvasive medicine that treats the whole person and not just the "dis-ease."

What is your natural health education level?  Many times, we discover "new" or alternative therapies in newspaper stands, shelf magazines or online.  Skeptics might warrant some disdain for complementary medicines like acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy and homeopathy - but how many of these individuals have actually facilitated these natural health treatments?  Begging to differ on opinion-based literature, one must merely explore the many facets of natural health care to determine which discipline or combination of integrative healthcare meets your needs. 

Today, there is a plethora of natural health education material available online, in local libraries, college libraries and through your local alternative healthcare practitioner, as well.  Don't take our word for it, challenge yourself to discover the many avenues of natural healing medicines.  You may just surprise yourself with the outcome!

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding natural health therapies, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore natural health programs near you.

What does Natural Health Mean to You?

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