Acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine is an alternative medicine modality that balances the energy or life force that runs through every part of the human body with the use of fine needles.
Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that aims to balance the qi or life force that runs through energy pathways also known as meridians. These meridians have different points that can be harmonized by the insertion of fine needles to move stagnant energy and restore the energy flow.
Acupuncture is very useful to relief tension, stress and emotional conditions. It promotes health & emotional wellbeing, prevents illnesses and treats medical conditions.
While there is no scientific evidence that these meridians exist and can effectively offer pain relief or improve or cure illnesses, the World Health association has concluded that acupuncture is effective in treating twenty eight conditions.
Some of the conditions that can be treated by acupuncture include: migraines and headaches, sinusitis, alcohol and drug addiction, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, sciatica, arthritis, fibromyalgia, back and neck pain, weight loss and a number of digestive, respiratory, urinary, menstrual and reproductive issues.
What acupuncture therapy is like?
Before your consultation, you are required to fill a health history form with questions about your lifestyle, health concerns, nutrition habits, stress, allergies, etc.
The acupuncturist then proceeds to examine the patiently carefully. Acupuncture diagnostic methods include:
Observation of the mind and spirit – This is done to determine excess or deficiency of yin, yang, blood and the twelve organs.
Observation of the patient’s skin color and luster - Healthy skin is a good indicative of abundant qi and blood. A withered skin is sign of disease and damaged qi and essence.
A yellow complexion can indicate spleen deficiency. Red indicates excessive heat in the organs. Blue indicates cold, pain and blood stagnation. Black indicates kidney deficiency, dampness or malfunctioning water metabolism.
Observation of the tongue – The color of the tongue and the color and thickness its coating can help further diagnose organs, blood and energy deficiency, stagnation or excess.
A red tongues is indicative of interior heat or fire. A purple tongue indicates blood stagnation. If the tongue appears flabby is indicative of yang deficiency of the kidney and spleen. A flabby, red tongue indicates heart and spleen fire, etc.
Pulse reading – A pulse reading can help your acupuncturist reveal many physical ailments, among them: ovarian cysts, kidney stones, gall stones, ulcers, coronary blockages, etc.
After the examination, the acupuncturist proceeds to give a diagnosis and provides treatment. In average the treatment will consist of the insertion of eight to twelve needles on the different parts of the body.
Upon insertion, you may feel a slight sting but after the needle is inserted, you should not experience pain. If you experience any pain, discomfort or numbness, notify your acupuncture practitioner immediately.
Treatment length varies from minutes to a little over an hour. In average acupuncture treatments take about twenty to thirty minutes.
The number of treatments needed varies from person to person and is always good to have regular visits to keep your mind and body energy balanced.
Other forms of TCM include moxibustion, cupping, electro-stimulation, herbalism, physical therapy, nutrition and gentle movements that aim to reduce stress and improve health, namely Tai Chi & Qi Gong. These therapies are part of Traditional Oriental Medicine and are commonly used in conjunction with acupuncture therapy.
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