What Is Your Children Eating When They Are In School?
Obesity. It's something that physicians are trying to predict. Something that they begin looking for early signs of. A lot of schools bring in medical doctor’s to diagnose children with a propensity for obesity. I remember when my 4th grade daughter was told she was obese and forced to bring me home a note to this effect and let’s just say there's little that is worse for a child to be told it does not matter what she does she is going to spend her life struggling with the scale. It is devastating and something that schools and medical professionals ought to be ashamed of doing.
Obesity. It's something that physicians are trying to predict. Something that they begin looking for early signs of. A lot of schools bring in medical doctor’s to diagnose children with a propensity for obesity. I remember when my 4th grade daughter was told she was obese and forced to bring me home a note to this effect and let’s just say there's little that is worse for a child to be told it does not matter what she does she is going to spend her life struggling with the scale. It is devastating and something that schools and medical professionals ought to be ashamed of doing.
In spite of this,

however, school lunches are far from nutritious and provide little by the way of a healthy alternative. Sure if you are just eating salads for lunch perhaps that would work well however why is it that despite all the concerns about obesity and the lasting health problems that it causes that even the government will not set a healthy example.
Now most parents panic when they hear this but listen, healthy does not need to be terrible it just needs to be more nutritious. It is the perfect opportunity to help bring some new items into your children’s lives and offer them a new appreciation that healthy eating can still be delicious and enjoyable.
For instance, fruits and vegetables are offered in horrible ways in school lunches. Fruit cocktail is their way of offering your children fruit. When this stuff comes from a can it's far from healthy especially when it's covered in syrup. As a group, schools and the government ought to be ashamed at what they are feeding children that they are claiming are destined to be overweight. There a multitude of more amazing things that they could be providing these children and instead of expecting the kids to pick the healthy alternatives make the entire lunch healthy to encourage better eating habits.
Healthy eating starts at a young age so watch carefully what's being given to your children on their lunch tray each day. If you are searching for a healthier way to give your child lunch then think about having them pack a healthy lunch from home each day. A nice sandwich on some white wheat bread with some juice and carrot sticks is a much better alternative to eating school lunches on a daily basis. Just keep away from prepackaged lunch box items and you'll know that you're giving your children a healthier lunch that they'll love.