Baldness is a curse for people and many of us often look for different solutions to grow hair again. There are different ways to grow hair, and the most effective one is the hair transplant in Dubai. So, let’s check out which one is better – hair transplant or hair loss medicines.
We are living in a technology era and witnessing some amazing developments in every field, including hair restoration. It’s quite true to say that we have never seen such a large number of options for people looking to treat their hair loss.
It’s also correct to say that this industry has turned out to be particularly a ‘buyers beware’ sort of market, yet there are two types of techniques that are the most worthy procedures for hair restoration. To discover which is best for you, read on and after that counsel an expert surgeon for more specific data.
Let’s discuss what a better approach to grow hair is – Hair Transplant or Other Methods.
Hair Transplant
This type of procedure includes collecting live hair follicles from the sides and back of the head (donor areas) and embedding them into regions of the scalp that have gone hairless. Before this surgery is done, you should visit a surgeon for a counsel. The surgeon will make a different diagnosis to decide if you’re an appropriate candidate for the procedure or not.
Advantages Of Hair Transplant
Note: All these disadvantages can be easily resolved by visiting the best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai.
Hair Loss Medicines
Relatively few individuals would seize the opportunity to go under the blade, so there are a few medicinal options as well. There are two medications for male pattern baldness that have been shown positive results. However, these can have some side effects and should only be consumed after consulting your doctor. These medicines cannot deliver the type of amazing results delivered by hair transplant in Dubai.
Advantages Of Hair Loss Medications
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