What to Expect from Bariatric Surgery

May 9


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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Bariatric surgery can help in many ways. However you need to know what to expect before jumping in.

Bariatric surgery can be one of the most effective methods for improving your health and well-being. This surgical procedure is invasive and there are risks,What to Expect from Bariatric Surgery Articles as there are with any type of surgery. However, there is more to it than this. For many people, this procedure is one of the best options for overcoming the long-term effects of being obese. As you consider having it, realize there are some very big benefits from going through the procedure that often times are more important than the risks. Yet, this is a very big decision to make and one you should not make on your own. What to Expect Before you have bariatric surgery, you will meet with a doctor and talk about your concerns and needs. The process is a long one that includes a psychiatric evaluation as well as dieting and exercise. In fact, you may be required to lose a significant amount of weight before having this procedure. The goal of this initial stage is to ensure you are healthy enough for the procedure and that you know what to expect. The procedure itself does require the use of general anesthesia. You will be asleep during the procedure. There are various techniques your doctor can use and this will be determined by your condition and the decision you and your doctor make ahead of time. Most people will have the procedure performed laparoscopically . This means that a small scope is inserted into an opening in the abdomen. This tube has a camera attached to it. It allows for smaller incisions and less invasion into the body than an open surgical procedure would require. The surgeon can see and use the tools on the end of the device to make big changes in the inside of the body. After the Procedure Most people will spend a few days in the hospital after having this procedure. You likely will not eat anything for a few days prior to and after the procedure. This gives your body the ability to heal well enough to tolerate food. Then, you will likely be on a very specific diet for three or more months. This is usually a diet of only liquids which progresses to ground up food and later soft foods. You will eventually get back to eating regular foods, but at a much slower pace. The procedure restricts how much you can eat or drink at one time. When you discuss your options with your doctor about bariatric surgery, realize you do have options. You also have the right to know as much as you can about the procedure and about the overall process. You should feel comfortable going into this procedure.