There are a variety of conditions that the human body can experience. Of all of these conditions, there is one type that is extremely common, yet that so many people are unaware of. That condition is known as anemia.
Anemia is a very common condition. In fact, it affects an estimated 3.5 million Americans. Since it is such a common condition, it is important to understand the warning signs of this illness, the problems that it can cause, as well as the treatment options that are available.There are different forms of anemia, and these different forms affect different groups of people. For example, some forms are hereditary, meaning that a baby can be born with the condition. Some forms of this condition come on at certain ages and during certain stages of life. For example, pregnant women, in particular, are prone to developing this disorder. This is due to the increased blood supply needs during pregnancy. Also, mature adults are susceptible, as they tend to develop poor diets and a variety of medical conditions that can affect the blood supply.Being such a common condition, and the fact that it causes such serious problems, it is important that you are aware of the warning signs so that you can receive the treatment that you need if you do become ill with anemia.Important Information Regarding AnemiaNow that you know that there are millions of people who are affected with anemia, you are probably wondering exactly what this condition is, and what the signs and symptoms are. Here’s a look at what you need to know about this condition:What exactly is AnemiaAnemia is a medical condition that develops when there isn’t enough hemoglobin, or healthy red blood cells. Hemoglobin attaches oxygen to the red blood cells, and since oxygen is the source of life, if your red blood cells don’t have enough of it, they won’t nourish your body that they are supposed to.Signs and Symptoms of AnemiaThere are definite warning signs associated with anemia. One of the most common warning signs of this condition is chronic fatigue. If you are feeling overly tired, there may be a chance that you have developed anemia. However, that isn’t the only sign. Other symptoms include the inability to clot when bleeding and excessive blood loss.Causes of AnemiaThere are more than 400 types of anemia; however, each type fits into one of the following three groups:* A result of decreased red blood cell production* A result of the destruction of red blood cells
* A result of blood lossRed blood cells are lost through bleeding, so people who have a chronic bleeding condition, such as an ulcer, ITP and even hemorrhoids, are more prone to develop this condition. People who have iron-deficiencies will have a faulty production of red blood cells, which will impact the development of hemoglobin. Other causes of anemia include excessive donation of blood, a diet that is low in iron, menstruation, child birth and even breastfeeding. Treatments for AnemiaIn order to treat you for anemia, your doctor will first have to determine what the underlying cause of the condition is. In order to determine the cause, you will undergo a series of tests, including Diagnostic Automation. From these tests, your doctor will be able to pin-point the cause of the condition, and will then be able to develop an effective treatment plan for your specific need. There are several different treatment options. Some of these treatments include:* Blood transfusion* Addition of fluids to your blood* Oxygen* Iron supplements* An increase in iron-rich foodsIf left untreated, anemia can have serious complications. This is why it is so important to understand the signs and the treatments that are offered.
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