It seems strange to think that the decision to lose weight is still a personal one even though it may seem like society makes that decision for us nowadays! But if you can see past the cosmetic reasons for weight loss and concentrate on the health benefits then you will see that being slim is in fact something we should all strive for, so decide to take action before it's too late.
If you are overweight it is a problem you shouldn't ignore and one that needs to be dealt with; but deciding to do something about it or deciding if the time is right for you to something about it,

is a question only you can answer.
Sure your friends and family have been telling you that you need to lose weight and that weight loss is important and your doctor has probably been putting the fear of God into you telling you that your life span will be shortened considerably should you decide not to lose weight, not to mention that you could suffer from afflictions such as diabetes, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, heart diseases, sleep apnea, etc
So, when will the time arrive that you feel impulsed to yell, 'Enough already, I'm fed up of my size, I'm going to lose weight!', not too long I hope!
Putting off something like losing weight can only make your weight problem worse, you do not want to wait until your size has become such a problem that you cannot take corrective measures yourself, and we are talking clinically obese here.
You may not think that you are anywhere near to having a problem of that scale, but trust me when I say this; if you are being told by loved ones you need to do something about your weight then you have a problem. When it comes to weight loss, timing is extremely important, leave it too long and it will be out of your hands!
I have a friend called John, he always used to carry a bit of extra weight but never took much notice of it and over the years he grew bigger and bigger until the time came that I would have said he was excessively overweight. He was having real problems sleeping and constantly felt dizzy and drowsy He really struggled to carry out his day-to-day activities, it got so bad that even people who knew him well began to call him lazy; and it was all down to his excessive weight but John continued to be ignorant to his problem.
John had never really treated his weight as anything other than a minor hindrance, and it didn't seem to bother him that friends and family were constantly telling him to lose weight until..
He had a rude awakening, his best friend since school didn't invite him to his birthday party!
It must have been a mistake he thought, his friend had been telling him that things were getting busier at work and because of that he'd been coming round less and less but the actual truth was beginning to sink in and John realized that it wasn't just his best friend who had stopped coming round, it was everyone, all his friends, he had began to alienate himself from all of his friends because of his refusal to do something about his weight.
It was then that John realized he needed to lose weight, he got great support and help from all his friends and two years down the road he was a much slimmer, much happier person having lost a great deal of weight but not only did he manage to lose weight he was reinvigorated and had never had as much energy and enthusiasm in his life.
My friend John was just one example of people who put off doing something about their weight, there are literally many hundreds of thousands of people just like him.
Why wait until something happens that displeases you before you take the decision to lose weight, you know if you are overweight do something about it, before something makes you. TAKE ACTION NOW!