When is it Time for a Face Lift?
How do you know if you need a face lift and what other procedures can be done at the same time to give you dramatic results.
Imagine waking up in the morning in your dream home,
you know the one you planned to build for the past twenty years, as soon as the kids went away to college, the one right on the cliff of the beach with glass walls and no neighbors. You wake up and everywhere you look you can see the ocean rolling in and an occasional ocean cruiser out in the distance waters. Your life is perfect you sigh.
You walk through your four thousand square foot house to the bathroom and you stop in surprise when you encounter the bathroom mirror. As you look bewilderedly into the looking glass you realize that the woman looking back at you is not, contrary to your first thoughts, your mother, but you.
Yes, you are in paradise with your mother’s aging face and you realize that the only thing you need more than a new suede sectional couch to match your new view is a face lift to match your inner image of how you look.
The first thing you need to do is not panic. It’s hard not to panic when you realize suddenly and sometimes cruelly that you have dramatically aged externally when internally you are still a fresh faced twenty year old that turned heads everywhere you went. But take a breath, do that yoga breathing that you never thought you would actually ever need and make a plan.
Yes, you have options. Your best option is to consider the merits of a face lift. Gravity is more than just a John Mayer song. Gravity is what is pulling your skin down, coupled with the loss of elasticity in your skin that normally kept your skin taunt and on your face instead of melting down your face. This is where a face lift can help. The purpose of a face lift is to pull up that extra skin and remove it. This more or less puts everything back in place where it should be and the sagging aging skin is removed.
This cosmetic procedure can be done in conjunction with other procedures such as blepharoplasty which is a long word for removing the bags from under your eyes. You might as well undertake both of these procedures at once if needed to create the most dramatic results possible from your surgery.
And finally a lift in itself won’t remove wrinkles but it will make your facial skin taunt again which will go a long ways towards eradicating most of the obvious appearance of wrinkles and after you heal from your surgery you can decide if you need to explore other solutions to your wrinkles such as Botox.
When a face lift is done correctly in conjunction with other needed procedures, you can actually end up looking ten years younger which is actually the kind of surprise you want to have in the morning when you look in the mirror.
Now go finish doing your yoga breathing and call your plastic surgeon.