A headache, upset stomach, or itchy bumps may seem like nothing to worry about, but after several days that can quickly evolve into infections or disease. It is important to visit a medical clinic if you have persisting symptoms over several days.
What you think is just another passing cold or flu might actually be something far more harmful. While you don't have to rush to the medical clinic every time you sniffle,
common but uncomfortable symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, rashes should be checked by a doctor if they persist for several days. STD testing is also vital for you and any partners' sexual health. Not only can you help prevent advancement of an infection or disease, but check-ups will also ensure you won't suffer unnecessarily.
Extreme diarrhea that persists for more than one or two days is a reason to visit a medical clinic. There is a great risk for dehydration, no matter how much liquid you attempt to consume. Medically, diarrhea is described as very loose stool, often combined with large amounts of water that occurs three or more times daily. In some cases, diarrhea can accompany food poisoning or a flu, in which case treatment may not be necessary if the symptoms are controlled after two days. Zinc and re-hydration salts can be taken to protect against dehydration, but it is necessary to have a professional assessment, as many infections, bacteria, and diseases can be the cause.
Many people think that vomiting is a sign of the flu, too much partying, or simply an upset stomach. While this is usually the case, especially in children, adults who experience vomiting may want to be more careful. If there is no traceable cause, such as alcohol, contaminated food, or other probable source, vomiting could be a sign of something more serious that requires attention at a medical clinic. Unusual purging can be the result of a bowel obstruction, gastritis, hyperglycemia, pregnancy, swine flu, and even brain tumors. If blood accompanies any purging, it is advised to visit a doctor immediately.
A small itchy spot on your body can suddenly become a large, extremely uncomfortable rash. Skin problems can often spread and worsen rapidly, making them more difficult to eradicate than if treated earlier. A rash may also be the symptom of something more serious and potentially chronic, in which case it is important to learn how to control it. Common causes of skin rash include allergies, infections, bacteria, fungus, reactions to chemicals or medication, and sexually transmitted disease. Some rashes can be treated and cleared easily, such as fungus infections. In other cases, the symptoms such as itching and swelling may be controllable through medication, but impossible to completely eradicate.
If you've engaged in unprotected sex, even with a committed partner, you should visit a medical clinic for STD testing. Not only do you owe it to yourself, but for your current and future partners as well. While HIV may be decreasing in the United States, other diseases such as hepatitis, herpes, and syphilis are showing little signs of slowing down. Testing only takes a few moments of your time and can help stop you from spreading diseases further. Most can be controlled through medication and stopped from being transmitted if proper precautions are followed. Your results are always kept confidential.