Not all Lasik Laser Surgeons have equal skills norhave experience. Hence it is important that you don'tpick the first or the cheapest surgeon you come across.This article will help you identify the surgeon thatis right for you.
Have you determined if you are the right candidatefor LASIK laser surgery by considering all the thingsthat can go wrong, and looking at all the availableoptions? If you have, and you still think it is theright thing to do, then the next logical step is tostart looking for a LASIK surgeon.
Even though the risks associated with LASIK arerelatively smaller than other conventional types ofsurgery, you should still take researching a LASIKsurgeon seriously. Do your homework by compiling aset of criteria and evaluating each surgeon againstthis set of criteria.
Carefully consider what each LASIK surgeon regard astheir procedure of choice. Do they use thetraditional LASIK that uses a blade to make theincision or do they prefer "bladeless" InterLaselasers to make all the cuts. Ask them as to what theyregard as the most reliable and what they mostly use.
Don't limit your criteria to cost or experiencealone, but look at what you feel most comfortablewith. This decision will affect YOU for the rest ofYOUR life, so don't do something to please anyone.
Be sceptical about claims such as "20/20 vision" or"your money back guarantees." Once you vision ismessed up, no amount of money may be able to restoreit. Go as far as checking these doctors against theconsumer affairs office or better business bureau toverify that they are in good standing. Know andunderstand your rights as it relates to surgery andLASIK in general.
Appreciate what can happen during the surgery and askyour potential LASIK surgeon how he/she would dealwith a situation that could potentially end aprocedure. Mistakes can happen which can lead to youreyes damaged permanently without even a chance to havecorrective surgery.
Also ask your LASIK surgeon how he/she would handlethe following situations that may come up aftersurgery. For example,
There is a FDA standard that all LASIK surgeons areheld to, which relates to the type of laser usedduring the surgery. Find out what type of laser yourpotential LASIK surgeon uses and compare it to theFDA's approved list.
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