Why is yoga useful during pregnancy?
Yoga helps in stretching of body parts during pregnancy leading to enhanced circulation of blood and oxygen in the body.
Pregnancy is the most joyous journey of a woman's life but it can be equally painful and complicated. During this period,

mood swings, aches, morning sickness, pelvic pain, cramps, hormonal changes etc commonly occur and these can be highly distressing to a woman's body and mind. Yogasan, the ancient form of exercise based on holistic approach which seeks the development of the whole human body, mind and soul, can be of great value to you during pregnancy.Yoga poses teach you how to stretch muscles around the hips, lower back, hamstrings area which helps in reduced low back pain and proper body alignment during pregnancy.Consistent asana practice enhances blood and oxygen circulation which further helps in the reduction of swelling and inflammation around the joints like wrist and ankles area. It also heightens the energy level and relieves you of stress.The baby inside of your belly grows with time and that may result into displacement of intestinal organs resulting in constipation and indigestion. Mild yoga rotations and forward folds improve the regular digestive flow.With the help of Yoga in Pregnancy the energy level of the body is raise which helps in releasing the birth canal of the tension. Yoga During Pregnancy should be followed via Asanas(Postures), Pranayam(Breathing exercises), Meditation, Yoga Nidra. While performing asanas be cautious and perform asanas that do not strain the body (due to the physical changes) and avoid bending positions and asanas that pressure on the belly and the back. Meditation is the best source to get absolute peace of mind and relaxation to the body thus calming down the body. The most critical time of woman's life can be made memorable with the help of Yoga. It is an integral part of our lives.Yoga asana and poses make you stretch your muscles without straining thus you stretch the tissues and organs and the ensured activity inside the body keeps the flexibility intact while also strengthening the body physically and emotionally.Certain asana include the gentle movement of the upper torso which eases the stress and ache off the spinal area. The squatting asana assists you prepare for labor by toning the pelvic muscles so that you remain comfortable in the squatting position. The breathing exercises also turn out to be valuable during labor. However, always perform asana under the supervision of a trained instructor and avoid laying down on your belly.