Why Women Choose Tubal Ligation and Reversal Surgery
why women choose tubal ligation and reversal surgery procedures. Maximum women in united states choose tubal ligation.
There are several reasons why women choose tubal ligation and reversal surgery procedures. More than 5,000,000 women tides or cut their tubes in the whole world and about 700,000 of these procedures are performed each year in the United States. The reason could be anything behind tubal ligation surgery like financial problems,

family planning, and relationship issues etc. However, up to 40% of these women want to get pregnant again after ligation surgery, therefore, they consult with tubal reversal surgeon and ask him for tubal reversal surgery.
Tubal Ligation is a common surgical procedure intended to prevent pregnancy by cutting or tied the fallopian tube. Tubal ligation reversal is a good solution for women who have had a tubal ligation in the past and want to have children at some stage of their lives. The overall success rate of reversal surgery is more than 70% which is better than (IVF) in vitro fertilization procedure. The cost of the reversal surgery is $5,000 -$7,000 while per cycle IVF cost is $10,000 - $15,000.
Tubal reversal is a procedure in which oviducts connect the uterus to the ovaries. This is single time surgical procedure which reconnect the natural way of pregnancy. But keep in mind that there are several factors that may influence the success rates of reversal procedure like: diameter of the remaining parts of the fallopian tubes, narrow end of the fallopian tube is connected to the larger one, length of the fallopian tube etc. The ideal situation of the successful surgery is when the fallopian tube diameters are nearly equal and normal fallopian tubes are about 4 inches (10 centimeters) long.
The success rate of pregnancy is much higher in those women who have longer oviducts tubes. According to experts studies there are 85% success rate for women over the length of the tubes 7.0 cm and 40% for women with the shortest tubes, less than 3.0 cm. Now in 21 century, with the usage of advance surgical methods it has become clear that pregnancy and childbirth are possible through the tubal ligation reversal surgery.
After successful surgery the conception of the pregnancy is also depends on a number of factors like: women eggs, age factors, male sperms and fertilization process etc. When male ejaculates the sperms into the vagina the sperms swim up from the vagina through the cervix and uterus to meet the egg in the fallopian tube and the fertilization process start and in this process need only one healthy sperm for successful pregnancy.