Why You Should Drink Tea Regularly

Mar 20


Isabella Whitmore US

Isabella Whitmore US

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Tea contains a special antioxidant called catechins that are scarcely present in other beverages which provides amazing health benefits making tea the healthiest drink in the world. This aromatic beverage has long been used as a traditional Chinese medicine to treat different conditions such as headache, fatigue, and indigestion. Up to this day, researchers are still discovering more benefits of tea that were unknown before.


It is no surprise that tea is packed with health benefits,Why You Should Drink Tea Regularly Articles but do you know how much it can improve your body? Here are six reasons on why tea is good for your body.

  1. Weight Loss. One of the most popular benefit of tea is burning fats. Tea contains caffeine and catechins that helps your body to burn fats fast and speed up metabolism. It breaks down excess fats and convert it to energy which you can use through out the day.
  2. Fights Skin Aging. The sun, pollution, dust, and smoke have free radicals that cause the skin to dry and aged quickly. The antioxidant in tea helps fight free radicals and helps the skin recover from their harmful effect. It also makes the skin glow and look young.
  3. Lower Cholesterol Level. The catechins in tea helps: lower the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol level which is bad cholesterol and associated to heart disease, increase the HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol level which is known as the good cholesterol that helps remove or reduce bad cholesterol and prevent absorption of cholesterol in the intestines. All of these results to lower total cholesterol level in the body.
  4. Good for the Heart. In connection with lower cholesterol level, LDL cholesterol is responsible for plaque (fats or cholesterol) build up in the arteries causing arteries to narrow and limit the flow of oxygen-rich blood in your heart and other parts of the body which can eventually result to atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease. This condition can lead to heart attack or stroke.
  5. Reduce Risk of Cancer. Tea, specifically green tea, exhibits anticancer effects. It helps prevent or delay the onset of cancer. Studies have shown that people who consume high levels of green tea has higher age at cancer onset than those with low levels of green tea consumption. These studies also shown that high consumption of green tea is associated with reduce incidence of stomach, liver, lung, and colorectum cancer.
  6. Good for the Brain. Tea improves memory especially for older adults. It prevents cognitive impairment and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. While many factors affect the brain’s health, research has shown that tea may help maintain the parts of the brain that is responsible for learning and memory.

Tea is the most popular drink in the world and has been, and is, part of many cultures. You can enjoy four different types of tea: oolong, green, white, and black. All contain the antioxidant called catechins, but it is more abundant in green tea because of the process. Other types of tea like herbal teas are not real tea although they may also have health benefits. Real tea are made from Camellia Sinensis plant.