Wisdom teeth are the last one in the mouth, and also the most complicated ones to extract.
In general wisdom teeth symptoms arise when those teeth get impacted. Our mouths have wisdom teeth as the last ones. Generally they make their presence between the age of seventeen and twenty-five,

which is the age when we are thought to obtain sufficient wisdom, and therefore they are called wisdom teeth. They are also known as third molars. If developed and emerged appropriately, they can become a valuable highlight to the mouth. But the unfortunate part is, nearly always, they don’t. As they grow at a much later stage, the space in the oral cavity is all used by other teeth and they don’t obtain any of it, as most of us have small jaw sizes. As a result, there are lots of problems linked with their growth. Firstly, their pattern of development may be flawed. That means, rather than coming out in vertical position, they advance in sloping position, in any direction, i.e. towards or away from the second molars or towards the inside or outside. Other complication is, they don’t erupt completely. They either shoot out partially or stay fully concealed in the gum tissue or jawbone. When such complications are associated with the wisdom teeth, they are said to be impacted.
When wisdom teeth impaction arises, indications like pain, puffiness, redness, headache and common ill health are observed. Pain is major, in any type of impaction. The reason for this is, when these teeth are awkwardly positioned, they struggle to thrust the adjoining teeth, so as to gain a space for themselves. The pain becomes acute and demands urgent treatment. It occurs at the sites of these teeth and area around them. Often headache also occurs in conjunction with this pain or otherwise. Pain-killers are of help merely for obtaining provisional cure.
Together with the pain, swelling appears at the area around the impacted wisdom teeth. The jaw too can swell up. Pain as well as swelling are primary among wisdom teeth symptoms.
Reddening appears as more amount of blood is driven toward the impacted site. Aim of this is offering the place more oxygen as well as other required factors, thereby it can improve more rapidly.
When the wisdom teeth are slightly erupted, they give out a cavity which is vulnerable to draw in bacteria and, thus, to get infected. Entirely hidden wisdom teeth also can get cysts. Cysts are fluid-filled pockets and represent infection. Very rarely, tumors too can occur at the place of incompletely emerged or entirely concealed wisdom teeth. All these indications require prompt consideration and can be crucial, if unheeded.
Wisdom teeth symptoms don’t show always and people wonder, why the teeth have to be extracted. This is because, though initially these teeth may look hassle-free, they can bring about problems in future. They are comparatively trouble-free to extract at early age, the reason being, their roots are not strengthened so that they can get a tighter clutch and the bone also is less dense. As the age progresses, these two aspects grow stronger and after that if the complication shows, the wisdom teeth get troublesome to extract. Scientific observations have an opinion that after crossing the age of 30, wisdom teeth are the most troublesome to extract. Your dentist can better judge if your wisdom teeth should be extracted or not, by evaluating the x-rays. Whether you see wisdom teeth symptoms or not, you have to therefore, see the dentist to have your wisdom teeth examined thoroughly.