Yeast Infection and Monistat 7

Jun 9


Michel De Silva

Michel De Silva

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Vaginal yeast infections can range from downright embarrassing to very painful. To counter these yeast infection signs there are a number of medications that you can try. These medications can be taken in the form of home remedies, prescription drugs and over the counter relief like Monistat 7.


This over the counter drug for vaginal yeast infections is available in three different dosages. You can buy Monistat 1,Yeast Infection and Monistat 7 Articles which is a one day treatment suppository, Monistat 3 which you use for 3 nights and you also have the Monistat 7 suppository. All of these Monistat products contain substances like nitrate and miconazole.

Since the Monistat 7 is a suppository that you are supposed to insert into your vagina, you should read the various warnings that are given with this medication. You will also need to understand that the dosages of these over the counter remedies to your yeast infection can lead to some side effects.

These side effects will vary from individual to individual but the most common signs of side effects are intense burning, vaginal itching, and abdominal pain and in some cases you can experience bleeding. As Monistat 7 is placed in your vagina you should consult with your doctor before you start a full course of treatment with this product.

There are many people who will tell you that using Monistat 7 has cured them of there vaginal yeast problems but there are also an equal number of women who have experienced severe and intense torturous pain when they are using this product.

You might want to consult with your doctor about the various side effects that may result from using this product. You should also gather as much information about Monistat 7 as you can. This information should contain the dosage amount that you need to take for the different Monistat brands.

For instance with Monistat 7 the dosage amount is 20 milligrams which is equal to one suppository. You are to insert this suppository into your vagina at bedtime. The Monistat 7 suppository treatment needs to be continued for the full seven nights without any breaking of the treatment.

The warnings that are issued with Monistat 7 state that if your vaginal yeast infection has not cleared up after the recommended period of usage for Monistat 7 that you should see your doctor. From the advice of your doctor you will know if there is another vaginal yeast infection drug that you can use or what other remedies that you can try.