Anyone can get a yeast infection if the bodies conditions are right.
Over 75% of the total population will endure a yeast infection at some time in their life. This number’s not only assigned to women. Men and children can experience Candida issues as well.
There are many different areas of the body affected by yeast, not just the well known female vaginitis. For example a yeast infection can occur in the mouth, throat, or esophagus which is labeled with the term thrush. You know that you have this when you see white patches in your mouth or on your tongue. Plus it becomes very apparent to yourself by your breath and the feeling that it’s just not clean and fresh in there.
Yeast or Candida is normally found in the body. An infection occurs when that yeast has a party that just won’t stop and friends keep coming over and soon it’s out of control.
There are different reasons your body has for hosting your party of yeast.
Antibiotic use may upset the balance of bacteria in the body and allow an overgrowth of the bad bacteria to build up.
A weakened immune system is another factor in getting an infection. Babies immune systems are not strong enough to fight off the growth of yeast and older people whos immune systems have weakened have the same problem. Anyone with an autoimmune disease, such as Lupus, is in the same boat.
If you go to a doctor and get diagnosed with thrush you normally get medicine that goes directly on the white patches, such as a liquid or a lozenge. If they don’t work you may get prescribed an antifungal pill. The kicker here is that while it may clear up the infection for this moment, it does not keep it away for good.
There is a reason that you got the infection in the first place and sometimes you need to find a more natural route to treat your infection and keep it away. Plus if you are one of the people with a lowered immune system than you should have preventative measures in place.
First of all make sure you really try to cut down on your sugar intake. Yeast feeds on sugar and most people eat a ton of sugar in their diet. Don`t just take your sweets into account though. Look at the amount of sugar you`re eating in breads and other baked goods as well.
Also add some raw garlic into your diet. It`s antibacterial and antifungal and will not only help your yeast infection but many other things as well which is just an added bonus.
If you are thinking of trying something other than fresh garlic think again. Garlic loses its antibiotic properties when you cook or dry it and commercial garlic capsules do not preserve the full activity of the fresh bulb. Plus people that eat garlic on a regular basis don`t tend to smell of it.
Take an acidophilus pill after meals. It's available in powder or capsules. Acidophilus is the friendly bacteria found in our intestines. Yeast lives in our intestines with bacteria flora. The yeast and the bacterial flora are continuously in a battle for good seats in there and usually they end up in a tie. Sometimes, though, our bacterial flora can be in short supply, like when we take antibiotics. This allows the yeast to overgrow and to win the majority of seats. So taking acidophilus is replacing the good bacteria and giving it a fighting chance.
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