‘Yoga gyaan’ is given to us by the age-old Vedic scriptures. It is a loss to Indians that we were, for long, was ignorant of this fact. It is a pity that Yoga now is coming back to us from the western world.
‘Yoga gyaan’ is given to us by the age-old Vedic scriptures. It is a loss to Indians that we were,

for long, was ignorant of this fact. It is a pity that Yoga now is coming back to us from the western world. Yoga is gaining popularity in western countries and modern India, because of its immense benefits, like good health, well-being, and longevity and also for leading a disease free life.
Disease is something that occurs when we lose our natural state. Our immunity system saves us from falling prey to various diseases. When, due to innumerous reasons, there is a lack or loss in immunity levels, our body get affected by external germs or environmental pollution, we get these diseases. Yoga help avert this condition and other uncomfortable, unwanted situations. However, to attain such state of well-being one is required to continuously perform Yoga routines everyday without any fail, something like we brush our teeth or do the most essential work in our everyday life.
Giving-in to Yoga practice every day is not as difficult as it is considered usually. Can you think of moving out of house without dressing up properly or washing your teeth or taking bath in the morning? No, right! It is because we are used to it and acclimatized to it. The same way if we persistently practice Yoga asana every day, in sometime it will definitely become a part of our daily activity without which we would not be able to survive. So, initial determination is required, however with the passage of time, it will fit in to your routine life.
Practice yoga…everyday
Practicing it everyday is the keyword. The more you practice it, the more it will become easier for you. When you do anything regularly is becomes a habit. After few months, when your body gets used to this habit, and you know that you cannot do without it, it is then you will automatically feel like practicing Yoga without any extra effort.
A well-strategic and laid-out plan is always good. With uncertain plan nobody has succeeded in anything, to achieve any goal a regular laid out plan is required. Hence, you require a dedicated Yoga instructor in your vicinity to regularize your Yoga practice. A drawn up program definitely help you to attain a particular Yoga aim. So get yourself a quality Yoga trainer and get your programs drawn. Your Yoga program should focus on exercises like Yoga poses, various other Yoga exercises and breathing exercises.
A plain and simple format could be:
* Standing Yoga poses
* Yoga poses while sitting
* Spine poses
* Prone Poses
* Inverted Yoga Poses
It is not mandatory that you need to do all the exercises every day. One can alternate between two to three a day. The days when you don’t feel healthy or simple tired. You may just perform one series. However, following it on a regular basis is what needed.
Also, breathing exercises (pranayamas) plays a significant part of your life, you should also maintain a regular breathing sequence:.
* Anuloma-Viloma
* Kapalabhatti
* Ujjayi
* Brahmari
* Sitkari
* Suryabhedana
* Bhastrika
* Sitali