Reflux has many names. People refer to this disorder as GERD or gastroesophageal reflux, acid reflux, and heartburn. Stomach acid reflux affects millions of people around the globe. So what causes stomach acid reflux?
Reflux has many names. People refer to this disorder as GERD or gastroesophageal reflux, acid reflux, and heartburn. Stomach acid reflux affects millions of people around the globe and their most common victims are the obese, scleroderma, hiatal hernia, and those that experienced recurrent vomiting.
So what causes stomach acid reflux? When the LES or lower esophageal sphincter is not working properly, acid refluxes from your stomach. When the foods from your esophagus passes to the stomach, the sphincter will open but most of the time, it is tightly closed. But when a person suffers from stomach acid reflux, the LES opens unnecessarily and let harmful acids inside the stomach.
Several factors can cause stomach acid reflux like eating large meals and taking specific drugs such as diazepam, theophylline, meperidine, prostaglandins, adrenergic, and anticholinergic drugs. To relax your LES, you can eat greasy foods, peppermint, and chocolate. But by taking too much alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine, your condition will be aggravated.
The chief symptom of stomach acid reflux is heartburn. Some individuals experience painful or difficult swallowing, cramping, pain below/behind the breastbone, excessive salivation, hoarseness, bad breath, coughing, and many others. If you experience some of these symptoms, then it is best to consult a doctor so that your condition can be properly diagnosed. These symptoms are usually felt when a person lie down but when he/she sits up, the pain is relieved. If this condition is not given proper attention, it can lead to esophageal narrowing, reflux esophagitis, Barrett’s Syndrome, and esophageal ulcer.
When you consult a doctor, he will carefully review your symptoms and medical history. You may be directed to a good gastroenterologist to undergo x-rays, esophagoscopy, esophageal manometry, and a Bernstein test.
Treating stomach acid reflux has a main goal, and that is to relieve your symptoms and prevent any relapses from occurring. Patients with mild cases of stomach acid reflux can be prescribed with antacids and you will be advised to stay away from coffee, alcohol, and fatty foods. Other doctors prescribe lansoprazole and omepraxole to heal the inflammation of the esophagus. If after the medications are given and the symptoms are not relieved, then the doctor can determine if you’re a candidate for surgery; but this is a rare case, probably less than 25% of all patients having acid reflux.
Surgical treatments are only given when medications are not giving your symptoms any relief. The procedure is a minimal invasive surgery and is not that difficult. You will only be given smaller incisions so you can expect that you will not stay long in the hospital and you will recover soon enough. After the procedure, the patient will find immediate relief of regurgitation, heartburn, swallowing difficulties, chronic coughing, and hoarseness. What’s good about surgical procedure is that the patient can now eat the foods that they stayed away from for many years.
People are now more aware of acid reflux and other illnesses which is why you can find most individuals in gyms, exercising in the park, and practicing good eating habits. By changing their unfit lifestyle, they can do wonders for their health. Prevention is indeed better than cure. In the case of stomach acid reflux, it would be best to keep a healthy eating habit and minimize vices like cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking. If you do these things, you will have a longer and healthier life.
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