If you are following the program properly and the scale is not showing a loss, be patient. Your body owes you the loss, and believes me, it will show up.
Plateaus can be devastating and discouraging. After all your hard work, the scale refuses to budge! Perhaps it even inches back up ever so slightly. And you’ve been so good, doing everything right!
Don’t panic. Be assured that plateaus are totally natural. In general, heavier people may lose weight more rapidly at first, but weight comes off slower as you get closer to your ideal weight.
Also, because you’ve reduced your caloric intake, your metabolism slows down. If you want to keep losing fat and maintain muscle mass, your best bet is to step up your walking or exercise program.
Remember, the scale doesn’t always play fair. If you are following the program properly and the scale is not showing a loss, be patient. Your body owes you the loss, and believes me, it will show up. Don’t waste your energy getting angry or upset. Those feelings will only make you feel defeated. Try looking at it this way, the scale may have won the battle temporarily but you’ll win the war. This may be a good time to remeasure. You’ll often find you’re losing inches although the scale doesn’t show a loss in pounds. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that you’re a dress or suit size smaller. Also, if you’ve been exercising regularly you may be replacing fat with muscle, and muscle weighs more.
Finally, pay attention to what you do, not necessarily what you lose. Even if you do everything right, you can’t always lose as much weight as you’ve planned. So, if you strive only for weight loss, you’ll get discouraged. But you can control behavior that leads to weight loss. Work for goals that you can achieve. Think of being a new healthier you!
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