Cerebal palsy will affect the muscle tone, movement and motor skills.
To say that I was an article on health nut would be an understatement but today I try not read anything health related at all. If you’re not careful, your start realizing your friends are avoiding you because you bore them silly about being healthy. It’s probably easy to understand because I was hugely overweight and after losing it and getting as shape back then perhaps you can understand why someone becomes obsessed with staying that way.
I felt I had to read every article on health I could find so I wouldn’t miss out on any new diet or exercise regime or healthy supplement I should have. When you find that writers of articles on health alter the results of the information they give each time an article is written it is not surprising people end up getting angry and ignoring them. Take soy for example, one group of scientists tell you it’s good for you then another group say don’t touch it because it promotes the development of female hormones in men amongst other side effects. If you’re anything like me, there’s no mystery, we are just looking for the best way to eat healthily, keep fit and live a good long life.
Sometimes you become your own worst enemy by reading all the articles that contradict because you just become confused and disillusioned. Who can forget the uproar when the American public was told that three of their favorites, chocolate, coffee and alcohol were all bad for you. Now it turns out that wine is good for you, beer is good for you provided it is dark beer, chocolate is good for you if it is dark chocolate, and even coffee has been found to have some health benefits when used in moderation. I can see that very soon these same experts will tell us to forget everything they have told us about our cholesterol levels and to start consuming cake, fast foods and ice cream again.
All that has come from this as far as I am concerned is a general disbelief of anything these so called health gurus say and I’ll look after myself than you very much. So I have decided I can still read as many articles on health that I like but choose how much notice I should or should not take of them. Still, I don’t doubt that reading the odd article on health will be worthwhile because I can pick up some good exercise tips and how to eat a balanced diet, the rest will be up to me. It all comes down to this; I need to do what feels right for me, so If I can do this, I can live a healthier, happier, and longer life.
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