Your Guide to Invisalign
Invisalign is a new type of orthodontic apparatus that is used to straighten misaligned teeth, correct overbites and correct certain kinds of speech impediments. Since they are clear, many people cannot tell when someone is wearing this new style of braces.
Invisalign is an easy orthodontic procedure option. This procedure uses clear plastic aligners that are completely removable. It uses 3-D computer imaging technology. There are over 70% of dental doctors in the United States as well as Canada that are trained and certified to use this type of procedure.
Invisalign braces are becoming increasingly popular for those people who need braces. Gone are the days of having to wear those ugly metal braces. Since these braces are clear,
many people will not even be able to tell that you are wearing them. In addition, brushing your teeth and flossing your teeth has become a whole lot easier because these braces are completely removable. These clear braces do not ever have to be adjusted.
You start off by wearing the invisalign braces for about two weeks. You will only take them out when you are eating, brushing, flossing or drinking liquids. The longer you wear these straighteners; your teeth will end up shifting and moving until they are at the correct position. You will see your doctor about every six weeks to make sure your treatment is going as planned. The total time for this treatment is anywhere from 9 to 15 months for extremely simple oral problems and the average length of time for wearing these straighteners is somewhere between 18 to 30 months.
It is important to understand that this procedure is pretty costly. In fact, these clear braces cost more than the normal metal braces. It is important to check with your dental insurance company to see if invisalign is covered under your plan. You want to be sure that you have enough orthodontic coverage. If you do have adequate coverage, clear braces should be covered just as the metal braces are covered.
There are many benefits to having these clear braces put in. The most common benefit is that these aligners are completely clear so no one ever notices that you have them on. They are also designed to boost your confidence while you go about your daily activities and conversations with other people.
These aligners are completely removable. Unlike metal braces where you cannot take them off to eat, drink, floss or brush your teeth, you can remove the clear braces so you can drink, brush and floss.
While metal braces can irritate your mouth, invisalign will not since there are not any metal wires to deal with. The good thing about them is since there aren't any wires involved; you can be in and out of the dental office quickly.
More and more people are choosing to get clear braces instead of the old metal ones. With the advancement of technology, cosmetic orthodontic dental work is becoming more attractive. Even though patients still have to wear something to straighten their teeth, there is no longer any extreme discomfort or loss of attractiveness associated with having braces. Even children love the clear braces because they can smile and not be teased by any of their peers.