Many owners of Xbox 360 video game systems would like to make backup copies of their expensive video game disks, but are afraid to do so over concern about the legality of copying Xbox 360 games. Read the Game Copy wizard Review for more...
Many owners of Xbox 360 video game systems would like to make backup copies of their expensive video game disks, but are afraid to do so over concern about the legality of copying Xbox 360 games. This is especially true with newer inexperienced owners. The Xbox 360 game developers integrate copy protection code into their software to prevent game piracy, which is a serious problem for the game manufacturers, but no manufacturer cares if you make backup copies of games that you own. Doing so is perfectly legal. Copying Xbox games is illegal only if you do so to sell them to others or to give to friends. Despite the fact that making backup copies is legal, it is still difficult to do because of the copy protection codes.
The copy protection, or encryption layer, that most video games are sold with makes it impossible for you to make working copies using the same copying software that you use to duplicate music and video discs. Some of this software for copying Xbox 360 games may actually make a copy, but because the encryption cannot be circumvented, the copied disks will be unusable. If the disk does not have the proper encryption code, the Xbox 360 console will see it as a pirated game and will not play it. The problem with these traditional copying software applications that copy music and videos is that they do not have the capability for successfully copying the game disk's license onto the backup disk. It takes software specially designed for copying Xbox games.
That's the bad news. The good news is that there are several versions of software on the market that are designed specifically for copying Xbox 360 games and successfully dealing with the copy protection schemes. These programs are perfectly legal to use, and will give you excellent working copies of your Xbox 360 game disks that will operate as well as the original disks. These Xbox 360 game copy software applications have routines that can decipher the encrypted code and allow you to make working backup copies of any Xbox game that you wish to duplicate. Most of these Xbox game copy software applications will allow you to copy the game disks from most of the other popular gaming systems as well.
Purchasing one of these Xbox 360 game copy software applications is excellent and reasonably priced insurance for protecting your valuable games from loss or damage. The replacement of any one of your games would cost more that the software needed to protect that same game. Making backup copies of all of your Xbox 360 games is a prudent move that will save you time and frustration in the future. By copying Xbox 360 games and keeping backup copies on hand, you can store away your original disks to protect them, and need never again worry about buying any of your favorite games for the second time.
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