Canon Digital SLR Using a Sigma Macro Lens
Have you given macro photography a shot? It is really rewarding, and it gets your photography juices flowing. To get a great macro image, you need a great macro lens. Sigma Macro lenses are well worth your consideration when going for a new close-up lens.
Something mysterious happens when you slap that macro lens to your Canon digital SLR camera. You observe things you never suspected were in the photo when you were setting it up.This is a really mystical moment when it actually happens to you.For this discussion we will consider Canon EOS cameras with Sigma Macro lenses.What's the big deal about Sigma? Why not just get the Canon macro lens? Or why get a macro lens at all,

can't you just use the kit lens?These questions deserve answers.First, about macro lenses. These are special lenses dedicated to close up photography. They are created specifically for this function. Lens elements in a macro lens have a different configuration, or set up, than a regular lens.A macro lens gets these close up photos with much better quality than any "normal" lens. You may have seen, or even own, a zoom lens that has the word "macro" in its title. This type of lens is not as good as a single, or prime, focal length lens that is designed for macro photography.What about a Sigma macro lens vs a Canon macro lens? Some Canon devotees will not go there. If you are one of these, you may as well move on. However, there may be a valid reason to think about it... cost.Almost always you will pay less for Sigma Macro lenses for Canon digital SLRs than you would pay for a Canon macro lens. The good news is that no matter which one you use, Sigma or Canon, you will still get excellent photo quality. You may not be able to tell the difference between photos taken with one or the other, in fact, you probably can't tell the difference. It would take a forensic scientist to tell which is which.Third party manufacturers like Sigma have made a commitment. They realize that if they don't get the quality right in their macro lenses, they will not get any of the market share. And that is exactly what they did. Their lenses are well designed and produce great images.If you decide on Sigma, you will find that there are four dedicated macro lenses to choose from. The focal lengths are 50mm, 70mm, 105mm, and 150mm. Of these, the one that you should try first is the 105mm macro.There are two great reasons for this, and it is not because the others are not good. First, you get a true macro image at 1:1 (life size). This is why you buy macro. And the second reason is not one you might think of. The 105mm lens is an excellent portrait lens. Yes, facial portraits. Many portrait shooters use a 100mm lens for much of their work, and this one will fill the bill.Sigma macro ratings are very high. You actually should check ratings before buying any piece of camera equipment. In this case, you will discover that many consider Sigma an equal to Canon in the macro category.Discovering macro photography may be the defining moment in your photographic hobby or career. The beauty and intricacies of nature make you realize that there is a Creator, and He did not hold back, even in the most minute details.