Here we talk about Emotional Eating Disorder.
Eating disorders are affecting millions of men and women worldwide. Many people do not seek help and eventually die of their disease. Eating disorders is a type of illness, which will affect the human mind. Therefore, if you are suffering from it, it is very important to take some drastic steps to get rid of it.
People with anorexia will go hungry for perfection. They believe they are overweight, or have the fear of becoming obese. Eating disorder, which is also known as Anorexia is common in the adolescence and early puberty. An individual with anorexia can develop unusual eating habits, and most of them will refuse to eat in front of others, or serve large meals for others and not eat any of that. Anorexia is very common in sports or activities requiring a certain weight range, such as dance, gymnastics or running. People with anorexia might stop eating altogether, do excessive exercises and become more obsessed with the weight hey have gained.
Some of the common symptoms of the anorexia include discomfort around food, irritability; refuse the eating habits in public. These are just some of the symptoms and are not limited to them. Most anorexics will not show all symptoms at once.
Another form of eating disorder is bulimia. The bulimic binge will provide a fleeting feeling of comfort, as well as a feeling of hatred then. There are many ways a person can purge food from their system. Some of these ways include excessive exercise, vomiting etc. The symptoms of bulimia are entirely different from others.
Unlike anorexia, bulimia symptoms are much more difficult to detect. An individual with bulimia may be normal weight for their construction. The causes of bulimia are presently unknown. Some believe that people with bulimia have low self-esteem and a fear of gaining weight.
Binge eating is also another serious eating disorder. Binge eating is nothing but consuming more amount of food at once. Unlike bulimia, individuals with this type of disorder do not purge after a binge. They just lose control of the calorie consumption at a time. People who overeat are generally overweight, but it is not common for people with normal weight. Binge eating is usually followed by feelings of guilt, depression and worthlessness. However, this eating disorder can cause many problems in your life as well as for your health if they are not treated and avoided in the initial stages.
Some common symptoms of binge eating are loss of the sexual desire, low self-esteem, weight fluctuation as well as depression. Most of the people who have this disorder may experience irritability and mood swings. However, studies have been proved that these eating disorders can be treated the psychological counseling. If you want more information on the eating disorders, you also have an option to research on the web. Once you research on the net, you will be able to see numerous websites, which are providing more knowledge and information on the Eating Disorders.
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