Get A Canon EF Macro Lens - Quality With Diversity
Macro photography is just way cool. And it is not really that hard to get super quality images, especially when you partner your Canon digital SLR with the right Canon ef macro lens. Discover the difference and find out which lens is right for you.
Macro photography is just way cool. And it is not really that hard to get super quality images,

especially when you partner your Canon digital SLR with the right Canon ef macro lens.Which lens is right for you?First of all, you can actually take macro shots with many different lenses, but a true close up lens has special construction methods to allow you to get up personal with your subject, whether it be a flower, an insect, or someone's eyeball. The measurement that experts go by is a 1 to 1 magnification, and some go much higher.What you see when you take a close up shot is not always what you expect. Many times you get some really pleasant surprises. For example, I was shooting a photo of a lacewing butterfly dining on a zinnia flower, and when I uploaded the picture to my computer, I was surprised and excited to see that I had also gotten two tiny little insects mating. I had not even seen them on the plant. And this happens all the time. In addition, I am always thrilled with the detail when shooting with my macro lenses. I do take lots of pictures of nature, especially flowers and insects. There are so many "OMG" moments. For instance, when I see the itty bitty hairs on a fly's face and legs, I just have to wonder at the awesome creation that very few of us are aware of being around us.If you are considering getting into this type of photography, you will not be disappointed with the results. The pictures you take will keep you coming back for more.As far as focal length is concerned, Canon ef macro lenses come in several shapes and sizes ranging from 50mm up to 180mm. And, as you might guess, the longer the length the higher the price tag. With one exception, which is the Canon MP-E 65mm which is a very special lens (don't go there for your first macro lens).The shortest focal length is 50mm. There are several 50mm lenses, but only one is a designated macro lens, so be aware that the cheapest 50mm lens is not the one you want for close up photography.Most popular among this category lens is the 100mm. It comes with built-in quality and awesomeness. It has the magic of close-up that will delight you every time.And then there is the MAC-daddy 180mm lens. Again, you will have no regrets.One of the great things about all of these lenses is the image quality. They are prime, meaning single focal length, lenses. This makes is easier for the engineers to get excellent quality without having to deal with maintaining quality over the zoom range of the lens. My personal recommendation is to stick with a prime lens for your close-up work. There are many zoom lenses that claim to be macro, and that is fine if you want the flexibility of zoom, but their main function is not for close-up photography.Did I mention that these lenses are also capable of excellent portraits? They are. It is one of the added benefits you get with any Canon ef macro lens, except the MP-E 65mm.