Even though there are more firearms in this country than automobiles, the vast majority of weapons owners store pistols and rifles in gun safes in a s...
Even though there are more firearms in this country than automobiles,

the vast majority of weapons owners store pistols and rifles in gun safes in a secure, responsible manner. If you are interested in becoming a gun owner, but also have other items in your home which you'd prefer were kept under lock and key, consider adding to your budget the ability to invest in a quality safe to store all your valuables.
Nothing is perfectly protected, and where there's a will there is usually a way. If you have valuable, sentimental and/or confidential materials which you need to protect, simply stuffing them in the mattress is not likely to provide long term security. Neither is attempting to find some unique, hard to discover spot in your bedroom, garage or attic.
Thieves simply think like you do, and given enough time, they'll eventually find whatever it is you're trying to keep from them. Sad reality, but reality nonetheless. One of the best reasons for considering gun safes as a comprehensive security storage plan is that while never completely impenetrable, the amount of time required to do so usually far exceeds what a thieve is willing to give in order to get your stuff out of the safe.
Sure you're concerned about keeping your guns out of a thief's hands. As you rightly should be. You also know that your children and their friends are bright, inquisitive, little people who are naturally drawn to the images they witness on television and in the movies.
So you keep your firearms locked securely away from the bad guys and the good guys who may just not know better. But there's more than just weapons to consider. If you are like most normal folks, there are other items you own or would like to invest in which also require protection.
Some items simply cannot be replaced. Whether an antique pistol handed down from generation to generation and now, finally in your care, or the birth certificate documents for your family members, you know that keeping them safe and sound makes sense. Sure you can theoretically replace a paper document, but have you ever tried to do so? Bottom line, it's a hassle and takes time and focus away from the other important daily activities.
Should someone abscond with that antique hand gun what will you do? Sure you may have insurance with a monetary value placed on it. But is that likely to get it back for you? Not very. If you'd taken the time to invest in a one of the many gun safes on the market, there's every expectation you could have prevented its loss to begin with.
These are but 2 examples. Many families have expensive jewelry, mortgage documents, business contracts, and the like they need to store, protected away from prying eyes. While the paperwork itself may be of limited, if any, value, a thief will gladly destroy them in their attempt to get to that jewelry.
Just make it harder for the worst to happen. Putting up firewalls has huge advantages when it comes to a variety of security options for most families. The safe, secure storage of your personal firearms, important documents, family heirlooms, and the like makes the investment in gun safes a wise option. They have the weapon storage features you need plus the ability to safely secure the other important things in your life.