Hot And Sexy Pentax K-x At The Top Of The Charts?
Pentax has chosen the road less traveled when it comes to digital SLR cameras. The Pentax K-x is Sexy in appearance and it is Hot in user satisfaction. Take a look at this one before making your final DSLR choice.
Give Pentax a 10 in style points for innovation as they think outside the normal digital SLR box. The Pentax K-x is HOT as it resides in the "
Top 10 Digital SLR Cameras" list. And it is SEXY due to its compact colorful design.Sure,

you can get one in widow's black if you just want to be "normal" and melt into the crowd of photographers who think black is the only way to go. But why not express your personality in your camera?Point and shoot cameras have been looking sexy for quite awhile now. Many look like the latest in cell phone technology rather than like a camera. They are small, yet powerful. So why not a Digital SLR? Pentax thinks they can.And the proof is in the ratings. There is a rating system on each of the online store sites where users can go rate the products they purchase. Guess what? The Pentax K-x is in the
Top 10 list for Digital SLR cameras. They are right up there in the midst of the big boys from Canon and Nikon.Truth is that the Pentax K-x is not just sexy, it is an awesome camera with other great features. After you get past the good looks, it performs with the best in its class. True, it is an entry level DSLR, but when compared to the other models in this category, you might be surprised at the extras you get from Pentax. They are not big into media blitz and glamor. They just let their cameras speak for themselves.Actually, it's not the camera that speaks, the camera performs and the people speak. Here is a typical comment from the Amazon users' area for this camera:"I would highly recommend this camera to folks interested in great pictures and not biased by brand name! All I can say is that I am glad I chose this over Nikon (my first preference due to brand name bias)."Canon and Nikon have done a great job of marketing. And, yes, they have some wonderful products as well. But this Sexy and Hot Pentax K-x deserves a look before you plunge into the DSLR pool.