How to Burn Wii Games the Scam
If you have the Nintendo Wii console, you might paid more than thousand dollars to buy Wii games, nowadays, the Wii game price increase everyday, some famous games are over $50.

all Wii gamers want to know how to burn Wii games because the original disk will be scratched if we play so often. Then, if you can copy your favorite games, you can use the Wii backups instead of the original Wii and be sure the original will not damage forever.How to burn Wii games, you cannot burn it with the Nero burning program or the other general burning program. There is the copyright guard on the original disk, this guard is provided to protect the piracy, it is not only in Wii games, Xbox 360 games and Playstation games also have the guard too.How to burn Wii games, firstly you should know some law for this case, you cannot copy Nintendo Wii games for business, you may go to jail if you copy Wii games for selling. However, you can copy your own games for backing up and private playing at your home, that is legal.How to burn Wii games:First step, you have to download the Wii burning software, you can find it easily on internet but I highly warn you do not download the free software to use. It may be the cause to break your original Wii, you should pay a few money for the special software that is designed for this application, it is not too expensive.Second step, after you have the burning program on your PC, open it, do follow the program instruction (insert the original Wii disk that you want to copy it), the program will crack the guard and copy all data.Third step, take out the original and do follow the instruction again, insert the blank disk and the data will be burned onto the blank disk automatically. Do not worry, it is very easy and some software have the tutorial about how to burn Wii games.Finish! Yes, it is very easy and you can play the Wii backup games instead of the original, you can play the Wii backup disk through a day and if it damage, you can copy the new backup from the original again.