Full detailed step by step instructions on how to draw a lion!
Hello! Here are my instructions on how to draw a lion. Hope you enjoy!
Fun facts about lions:
Lions live in groups called prides.Young males leave and start their own prides by conquering the male that leads other prides.Female lions are the providers and hunters for the pride.Lions have been celebrated throughout history for their bravery and prowess.They once were found in most of Africa and parts of Asia and Europe.Today they reside only in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.They often hunt in a team to prey on zebras,antelopes, wildebeest, and other large animals of the vast grasslands. Most of these animals are faster than the lions, so working together in a team will prove to be an advantage.
The best way to draw a lion is to draw him looking at you. That way you don’t have to worry about complicated shapes and drawing. Here’s how to do create a simple lion drawing in ten steps.
1. Begin by drawing the mouth of the lion.2. Then draw the lion’s snout.3. Now you’re going to draw our lion’s eyes. For his eyebrows, just make little arcs from the tip of his eyebrows in toward his nose. His eyes should be leaf-shaped. Then you can make the inside of the eyes by drawing a short vertical line inside the leaf shape, or you can fill in his eyes with your pencil to make them solid.4. Next comes the ear; once again practice makes perfect and I advise everyone to practice this face until you can get it down. About halfway between the top of his mane and where his eyes are, draw one little ‘C’ shape. The ‘C’ should be pointing inward and a little bit down so his ear looks likes it’s attached to his head.5. The mane requires a higher attention to detail than the previous steps but these kinds of lines shown below are easily done with a sharp pencil and some patience!6. Now the hard part is over and you can draw the main part of the lion’s body as well as his back leg.7. Now the first front leg can be drawn as well as the belly of the beast!8. The missing legs are easily drawn here as I have set you up for success because the last two legs are easy pieces of this puzzle.9. Remember that details always come last.10. Just a few more details and we’re done with our beastly lion. Don’t forget the tail!