You know all the right things you need to do to start fixing the PS3. If you have the right tools and the aptitude you should be able to fix it all by yourself. There is one thing you still must know. Here is your step by step professional PS3 Yellow Red Light Fix guide.
So you've been troubleshooting issues on the PS3 and you are confident that you know everything there is to know about it. You've done it all from pulling out the hard drive to taking note of all the error codes that come up. You know all the right things you need to do to start fixing the PS3. If you have the right tools and the aptitude you should be able to fix it all by yourself. There is one thing you still must know.
Even tough you have all the answers, there is still no guarantee that you will solve the problems with the PS3. Early on the 30 and 60 gig models suffered issues with the hardware because of bad parts and other issues with the manufacturer. Some were basic mistakes in trying to get the PS3 out of the factory on time. Others were just complete lack of responsibility to producing a great product. All of the consoles the had some sort of problem, some worse than others.
Hands down, the PS3 is the most technically advanced and complex system in the game console market. Check your model number first as each type of PS3 has different parts inside of it and some only work with a certain combination of parts. Before you sit down and really do some PS3 Troubleshooting, make sure you have the right tools to get the job done. Hopefully you have the steps to disassembling the Ps3 from the PS3 Troubleshooting Guide.
If you are good with your hands and have all the tools at your disposal you may want to get started immediately with your PS3 troubleshooting. Take your time and prepare properly when troubleshooting your PS3 or you're going to mess up your system. Remember, the PS3 is the most advance console on the market and extremely complex. Making one simple mistake while taking it apart your system could be done for. Now that we scared you, the PS3 is a pretty solid machine and doesn't have a ton of screws that you have to deal with.
Static electricity can quickly kill your system while you are fixing it so make sure that you have a plastic mat or at the very least newspaper to put the PS3 on. Unless you have the skills, tools and enough free time, do not take on this task. This is not something for the average gamer can do.
If you are one of the not so technically inclined folks, you will need to find a service shop to fix your PS3. Beside overheating and strange LED codes, the initial PS3 systems also had issues with the Blu-Ray drives. While the problem has been repaired in subsequent models, it had to be terribly annoying to people who were the first to get the PS3. Some of the system would be able to play the games, but wouldn't read movies. Other systems were vice versa.
There was another complete set that would play older Playstation titles and movies but wouldn't play PS3 games. This was incredibly, terribly annoying and frustrating to any PS3 owner. By changing from the old monster box design to the new slimmer model, Sony appears to resolved the issue but owners of the old system don't want to pay or can't afford the upgrade. I mean if it gamers are getting the goods from the old system why upgrade.
While the question will always be debated, every gamer should take the time to learn at least some PS3 troubleshooting. Game consoles aren't just game consoles anymore, they are multimedia centers that provide us with a wide range of entertainment. As a console owner, you need to be able to spot problems as they arise and where you need to go for maintenance. This will ensure that you will have plenty of time to play all those games and watch a lot of movies.
To start really effective troubleshooting your PS3 you will need to get your hands or a good, comprehensive PS3 troubleshooting guide. A good question is where are you going to find this perfect guide?
Search the internet and do a little bit of research and you will be fixing the various lights of death. Make sure you read our review of PS3 Light Fixes and learn how to save $140 6 weeks of time and get your PS3 workng in no time at all.
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