Lugging around a tripod can be a real pain - so far too often, we don't. However, the instability of a monopod makes it even worse! Here's the RIGHT way to use a monopod to create better photography.
Here's a photo tip you aren't likely to find anywhere else… How to use a monopod to get better photographs! A monopod (like the tripod) is an essential piece of camera gear!
We all know that using a tripod will give us cleaner,

sharper photos. That's a given! But lugging around a tripod can often be a major challenge - not to mention that a lot of time we are in a situation where it is impossible to use one. There just isn't room.
So, most photographers (at least the ones that are serious enough to want good photos) end up getting a monopod and are greatly disappointed. Generally it ends up in a closet somewhere never to be seen again.
If you didn't know - a monopod has the same head and so on as a tripod, but only has one leg.
This design makes it lighter and easier to carry around - it can even be used as a walking stick if you are trekking through the wilds.
But, after one or two uses, most of us come to the realization that it isn't any steadier than shooting handheld. In fact with only one leg, it wobbles around so much that it is usually WORSE than shooting handheld. So we toss it in our unused camera gear graveyard and never touch it again.
Big mistake! The monopod is every bit as stable as a tripod; it's just that few of us know how to properly use it.
We use it as a stick with a camera on top - instead, we should use it like a tripod!
Here is how to use a monopod...
First...for stability, we need three legs like a tripod. Here is how we turn a one legged monopod into a tripod. The monopod itself is ONE leg and our own two legs - spread apart at a bit more than shoulder width - are the other two legs of the tripod. the monopod in front of you so that when you tilt it back to bring the camera to your eye, it forms a 45 degree angle. You will have to increase its length by quite a bit to get the 45 degree tilt and still have it at eye level.
There is your tripod, your two legs and the monopod.
Third... the camera should be attached to a swivel head. Tilt it forward so that when the camera is at your eye, the lens is level even though the monopod is leaning at 45 degrees.
Fourth...when you are shooting, get into a good solid stance and hold the camera firmly against your face. You now have a - virtual - tripod that is every bit as good as most - actual - tripods. With the added benefit of being easy to work with!
This photo tip can help you rescue your monopod from the closet and turn it into one of your most useful camera gear accessories. Since it is easier and lighter to carry than a tripod, you'll actually use it and create far better photography. For more information, check out the resource box!