Proper Etiquette in Strip Clubs
Strip clubs are a fantasy and night of fun for many men, but going for the first time can be a bit intimidating. While every place is different, there are some basic etiquette guidelines to follow.
Have you ever been curious about visiting strip clubs but get too nervous? How do you tip? Can you touch the dancers? What shouldn’t you do? It may seem confusing at first,

but a few simple etiquette guidelines, some commons sense, a wad of cash, and a couple of drinks will get you settled into the decadent atmosphere pretty quickly.
Money Talks
It’s an industry based on cash flow, so the clients who aren’t afraid to splash out the dough are going to get the most memorable experiences at strip cubs. That isn’t to say that if you are on a tight budget that you won’t have any fun, but $20 is going to last for very long. If you want a good seat near the main stage, slip the bouncer some money and ask him to find you something close. Some strip clubs have strict rules and require a high premium for the front row, while others may be more lenient, especially on slower nights. If you are planning on special night such as a bachelor party or entertaining a client, you may wish to call around the area to ask about prices and specials available. Booths and champagne rooms can cost hundreds an hour at some clubs, but if you shop around you may be able to find something affordable or that includes some extras like a bottle of alcohol or a discounted price to include a second dancer.
It’s a Job
While it is a strippers job to pamper you and give you some attention, they work for tips. Every minute that they are sitting down chatting up a client before offering a lap dance is costing them money. Even if you don’t plan on getting a personal dance, the girls will appreciate it if you throw a few dollars their way and don’t waste too much of their time. Honesty is also well received. If you aren’t attracted to a particular girl, just politely refuse her advances so that she may move on to another client. If you don’t think you will be buying a lap dance, tell them from the start. They may still try to milk you for one, but they won’t be quick to anger if you decline again. If you do decide to buy a lap dance, or two, or three—don’t forget to tip. That’s right the price of the dance is not a tip in itself. 10% is the minimum, but 15% to 20% will put you in better favor.
The biggest mistake men make at strip clubs is overstepping boundaries and disobeying rules. Most strip clubs are strict on the no touching policy, while others may be more lenient. Whichever the case, inquire beforehand, watch other clients, and follow the dancer. Sometimes they will guide your hands on “safe” areas of their body. Talk respectfully to the dancers and refrain from using aggressive or foul language. Never ask for “extras” or pester a girl to meet you after work for something more. If she really is interested in meeting you later, she will likely make it known.