In order to earn income from home, it is essential you spend just as much time on the design of your web site as any other facet of the business.
One of the most overlooked facets of running an online business is the design of your web site. How you design and balance the content, graphics, video and audio can make or break the business. For this reason, it is imperative you understand how to reel people in and entice them with an intriguing design. Here are five tips to help you earn income from home through the design of your web site.
1. Bold header
The first thing people are going to see upon arriving at your work from computer web site is the header. For this reason, you want to create an alluring header that will make them want more. To start, you want to bold the header, increase the size compared to the rest of the content, and highlight it with a color that stands out. From there, you can add to the creativeness by placing a graphic or logo of some sort behind the wording.
2. Sub-headings
Whether you know it or not, few people are actually going to take the time to go through your web site and read everything you have to say. For this reason, you are best off having sub-headings throughout the site to highlight the most important details. This will make it much easier on people to quickly find what they are looking for thus allowing you to earn income from home.
3. The fold
The fold consists of anything that can be seen without having to scroll down. As soon as the visitor needs to scroll to see more, they have passed the fold. Keeping with the idea that most people will not navigate through your entire web site, you want to place the most important information above the fold. This allows people to immediately see what you want them to see when first entering your site.
4. Properly balanced
All of the top rated work from home web sites are properly balanced in terms of the content, graphics, video and audio on the web site. You want your site to flow smoothly so people can easily find what they are looking for. To properly balance your web site, make sure to interchange content with graphics and video according to what you are talking about.
5. Not too busy
While it is important to include graphics and video, too much can actually become a distraction. Far too many web sites get caught up in the idea of presenting graphics and flood their site with flashing banners, graphics that pop off the page, and far too bright images. If the graphic does not compliment the content, lose it.
In order to earn income from home, it is essential you spend just as much time on the design of your web site as any other facet of the business. Take the tips listed in this article into consideration to help propel your online business.
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