#1. Get into a business that has ... rights to sell products that will in the near future be in high demand in the world's ... and provides you with a top notch website. Getting into a b
#1. Get into a business that has exclusive rights to
sell products that will in the near future be in high
demand in the world's marketplace and provides you
with a top notch website. Getting into a business that
produce such products reduces competition and leaves a
wide open niche market for you to capitalize in. Here
is a company I found with such products:
Big Planet/Planet Electric:
http://bumperboy.mybigplanetusa.com. This company
has exclusive rights to a new technology called
ENERGY STORAGE TECHNOLOGY. With this technology they
are producing new products that are powered using
Energy Storage technology. For a free business
overview of Big Planet visit their WebSite:
#2. Get a Toll Free 800# with voicemail. It is much
easier for a potential customer without a computer to
inquire about your product or service when you have a
toll free number. When leaving a voicemail message
make sure to leave a recording that will not only
inform your potential buyer about your product but
excite them as well. A good company that I recommend
is Creative audio. This company offers an inexpensive
voice over You can call them at 1-800-363-6505.
#3. Posting Flyers to Bulletin Boards are a fantastic
way to promote your hombased business for almost
nothing. Post your advertisement on bulletin boards
everywhere and anywhere. Examples of places to post
are laundromats, colleges, schools, supermarkets,
Wal- Mart -(get listing of stores nationwide),
apartment complexes, workplace, or anywhere people
congregate. On the flyers make sure to post a
description of what you propose to sell, the 800#,
use bright or fluorescent paper to attract attention,
and make the message short and sweet printed in large
bold letters.
#4. Press Releases are another great way to get free
publicity about your business. Here is a great site
that I found that sells software that not only has
templates to help you develop a great press release,
but the software they offer can also send out your
press release to over 20,000 news sources.
http://www.pressblaster.net/. For a directory of
newspapers simply type the keyword: newspapers into
there search engine find.
#5. Posting signs at corners near stop signs and
stoplights is another great way to draw attention
to your homebased business and website. On the sign
make sure to post a short and sweet description of
what you propose to sell, your toll free 800#, and
your web address. Here is the Toll Free# to a
company that will produce 50 signs for less than
$90. {1-800-853-8458). You can also make your own
signs relatively cheap by buying the materials at a
nearby Home Depot.
#6. Writing and submitting articles to e-zines and
newsletters is another excellent way to attract
potential customers to your website. Just simply
choose a topic and write away. Be careful to check
spelling before submitting article. Submit your
articles to e-zines and newsletters that cater to
your topic. At the end of each article be sure to
leave a resource box with your personal information
and web address. This is your payment provided that
an e-zine or newsletter decides to publish your
article. Here are a few websites to submit your
finished article to as well as get an idea on some
topics you can write about.:
http://www.ezine-dir.com/ -