If you have a work from home business where you are selling products and services online via your own website, it is worth keeping a note of some basic principles to help increase your website traffic and search engine rankings.
Create a site with valuable content, products or services. This sounds obvious, but if your website does not really offer anything of value to a clearly targeted audience, then you will not make much money online.
Insert primary and secondary keywords in the first 25 words within the content of your site or blog pages and spread them evenly through out your home-based business website. Keywords are the phrases or text which you are trying to target for search engines like Google and Yahoo to look for to provide to readers or customers who have searched for that word or phrase.. For example when someone searches for 'online home business tips' they need to uncover information that would be related to that search.
Research and use the very best keywords/phrases to attract your perfect customers. There are many keyword research tools for search engine optimization. Two very useful research tools by your home business website are Google AdWords and Wordtracker.
Keep your web designing simple so that visitors can navigate easily between the pages and buy what they are attempting to find. If the website is confusing and complicated these people will leave and never return.
Monitor what your competitors are doing online. Consider their design, navigation, content and keywords of their websites. You can most certainly grab a few ideas for your home business website!
Use reports from your website hosting company to check out where your traffic is coming soon from. Analyse your visitor location and also their incoming sources whether search engines like Google or links from other sites to discover the keywords they applied to find you.
Continue to make your customer visit easy. Be sure that you contain an opt-in form on your site to capture their email address and provide them with an abundance of value in the form of newsletters, free reports, relevant information etc.
Then you can demonstrate your expertise by writing and using articles for your own personal website to article directories thus ensuring showing you as a proficient in your field. If you have setup an earn from home-based business, you can explain how you're going to arrange your business and just what pitfalls to lookout for.
If you are selling products online, be sure you make use of a use simple payment and shipment system to make your customer's experience quick and simple. Also make sure you know what's selling and what is not!
Don't forget to regularly post to your website. Think of it as a dynamic, ever-changing sales tool, just as a real store which your prospects would come in and look around.
Is It Worth Starting A Home Based Internet Business?
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