A Good Time to Start An internet Business
Is there really such a thing as a good time to start an Internet business - or, indeed, is it always a good time? A musing over this common area of procrastination.
One question that is paramount in people's minds right now ( in just about every country in the world ) is,

of course, whether it is actually very wise to start an Internet business in the current economic climate. To this query I'm tempted to use an old cliché here and say, 'Well, yes, actually because there's no time like the present is there?' I doubt, however, that that is likely to wash with most potential clients. Rather than going into a detailed explanation/argument about the economy and world events that is likely to send y our prospect to sleep, I would be inclined to keep everything very simple ( as ever ). Explain that there are either of two things that can happen in the immediate future: 1.The economy can turn around either slowly or rapidly2. The economy can get worse.Whichever of the two it happens to be, I really cannot see any disadvantage to starting your own business either from a practical or psychological aspect. Let's take point one to begin with. Imagine that things start to pick up and you have just set up in business - people will suddenly start to feel buoyant again and the thrill will allow them to feel that the world is their oyster. Psychologically, then, they are likely to be feeling a little elated and keen to get in on something that is growing - before all their friends beat them to it, perhaps? I would anticipate that if this becomes the case, there will be a surge in people wanting to come 'on board.' The practical reasons are obvious because people will see the bottom of the recession as the right time to start investing ( in a new businesses, shares or other venture ). From a psychological viewpoint, they are now more likely to go into something a little bit more entrepreneurial than your usual run of the mill stocks and shares and banking alternatives than they may have in the past. This is, of course, due to the fact that trust has been lost within those sectors and we all know that trust is what you build a successful business on, don't we?Let's now assume that the economy gets worse ( as in point 2 ). Well, psychologically, it's my view that the worse it gets, the more likely people are to jump ship from where ever they are operating and not wait to be pushed - rather take the initiative ( people love to feel they are doing that ) and find a new situation over which they hold more control. From a practical point of view, they are also likely to see 'the writing on the wall' for conventional businesses as a whole and so reinforcing the view that getting out is better than being pushed out while they still have some cash to play with!So, to come back to the old clichés, I'm tempted to use another and say 'The time is right' to start your own show. Indeed, one has to ask the question as to whether we can afford not to start our own businesses rather than trust ourselves to a system that has let the majority of the world down so badly. I know which side of the fence I'm on so perhaps I may finish with a slight amendment to the latter cliché above and that is 'The time is always right to start your own ( Internet ) business.To see how I started in an Internet business that offers education on this subject and more, you can watch the short video on my site.Hilary Hugheswww.hilaryahughes.comArticle Marketer