Apply the top 8 secrets to ... work at homeby Carlos Garcia ... of the "Wealthy Secrets" ... I'm about to reveal to you are 8 proven secret ... will help you acco
Apply the top 8 secrets to successfully work at home
by Carlos Garcia Publisher of the "Wealthy Secrets" Newsletter
What I'm about to reveal to you are 8 proven secret strategies,
that will help you accomplish positive results with the time you
spend on your home business.
1. Imagine yourself as the CEO of a major corporation.
This technique will put you in the proper frame of mind, to
envision yourself as your own boss, and that you are in complete
control of your business.
As the CEO of your corporation, it is very crucial that you
project where your business will spiral towards in the next
5 years. Remember A DREAM written down with a date
becomes a GOAL. A goal broken down becomes a PLAN..
A plan backed by ACTION makes your dream come true..
From The Millionaire Mentor by Greg S. Reid
Therefore, you need to:
2. Set Specific Goals - "Goals are like train tracks." They
keep you moving forward in the direction you want to go.
-Vicky Smith
When setting proper goals you need to exercise 2 simple
First and foremost, *Set Your Long Term Goals* (a.k.a. Dreams)
The bottom line is this, if you want to head in the right direction,
than you must know where you want to be in 3 months, 6 months,
1 year, 3 years, even 5 years from now.
This technique is amazingly effective when you type your goals
down, and print them out.
(Be sure you do it, I'll tell you why later.)
Secondly, you must always set and accomplish daily goals, so
that you will achieve your long term dreams (goals). When you
know where you want to be and where you are headed, than you
will know exactly what you need to do to get there.
This will definitely get the ball rolling for you to set your daily goals.
3. Set up a *daily* To-Do Lists - Now that you have distinguished
your daily goals, the easiest way to accomplish them is by working
on a priority basis always working on the most important task first.
Design your daily to-do list at the end of your work day, so you
know exactly what you need to do when you wake up in the morning.
Make your daily tasks realistic, and be sure that they are
accomplished. Think of each task you accomplish as a stepping
stone towards your dreams.
The key here is for you to go to bed at night without having any
regrets, and knowing that you have achieved everything you could
that day.
Here's a neat trick: Use Microsoft Outlook's task manager to
prioritize your daily To-Do list. Outlook will let you manage
your tasks on a per hour basis. It is very crucial to avoid
procrastination if you plan on getting where you want to be in
5 years.
Here's the best part: Outlook will keep reminding you, if your
tasks have not been accomplished. This gives you absolutely no
excuses not to work. Which brings me to my next point...
4. Devote a *specific amount* of hours each and every day
to work on your business. To avoid getting side tracked, DO NOT
surf the net, close your instant messenger conversations during
this period of time.
The more side tracked you become, the further away you will be
from your dreams.
5. Develop a positive routine - Research proves that eating
breakfast every morning, will help you to think better, and even
work more efficiently on your business.
Always take 15 - 30 minute breaks during the day to avoid
straining your eyes. Have a good night's sleep, (6 to 8 hours
is recommended.) Most importantly, try exercising daily because
this will help fuel energy through out your body.
6. Stay organized, and focused - Tape your goals list on the
wall by your work area, so that you will be reminded of what you
are striving towards, each and everyday.
This important step alone will help guide you towards your
ultimate goal, and keep you focused on what you should be doing.
If you ever feel that you don't have the energy to work on your
business, simply take a look at your long term goals list,
and let it remind you of your dreams.
Use this power to help you move forward in the direction you
want to go.
7. Check your email ONCE every hour - Some of us love the idea
of receiving email daily, and in most cases would likely check
it every few minutes. This can be a very devastating routine
that you will become accustomed to, be sure you eliminate it
before it becomes routine.
The real secret to running a successful home based business, is
to spend your time wisely and efficiently, by developing a
positive daily routine.
8. Have fun - This may be the most important step of all.
Make sure that you enjoy every minute you spend working on your
business. If you can't stand the idea of getting up in the morning
to work, than you might as well look forward to going back to
that J.O.B. ( Just Over Broke ) you dread.
You must enjoy what you do, in order to fully succeed and
accomplish your long term goals.
I have given you these 8 powerful strategies, the only way that
they will work for you is if you apply them right now.
I wish you the best of luck with your home business, and I hope
that you have a prosperous year.
Be sure to read the amazing article that will not allow you to
fall for the get rich quick trap, when you can get rich smart, and
start making as much as $2,575, $7,525, even $15,245 right now!
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