But I Don't Want To Change! By Ken Leonard Jr. ©2002 KLJ Online You have to be in the right ... to work at home ... You must be able to "go with the flow" when the winds of bu
But I Don't Want To Change!
By Ken Leonard Jr.
©2002 KLJ Online
You have to be in the right frame-of-mind to work at home
successfully. You must be able to "go with the flow" when
the winds of business change. Keeping things fresh and
different will help you stay ahead of your competition, and
to prosper in the long run.
*Be A Sponge*
The first way to make sure that you are going in the right
direction is to become "a sponge". You must be eager to learn.
Soak up all new information that comes your way. Always have
something that you are in the process of reading (business-
related). Study your marketing techniques to make sure that
they are working. Study your competitors inside and out. Listen
to what your customers are saying. Look forward to learning
something new each day, with a smile!
*Change Yourself*
Are you not a sponge? Don't worry. It's never too late to
change. You just need to leave your "comfort zone". Seek out
the new and different. Research, investigate, educate yourself
in something you know little about(business-related). Do things
(anything) that you are not comfortable doing. This will allow
you to deal with future changes more easily. Once you break-out
of your comfort zone, a whole new world will open up to you.
*Change Your Job*
Are you building a home-based business in the off-hours from
your main job? Some would say that changing your day job
is "easier said than done". If you want something bad enough,
though, you will find any means to reach your goals. Put your-
self in the position of being able to spend more time learning
and building your business, while still working days and
"paying the bills".
This is where you want to be.
Now you can build your business faster, rather than focusing on
a demanding day job. After a while, you may find that you don't
need that job, anyway.
*Change Your Life Situation*
Do you have a stressful home life? Are personal distractions
stopping you from building your home-based business?
Though it won't be easy, taking control of your personal and
family life can be one of the best things you can do for your
overall success and happiness. With your personal life in
order, you will have a much easier time focusing on your
business goals. You stand to benefit greatly if you can
accomplish this.
Set yourself up to win. Prepare mentally for a changing
business climate. Embrace change. Learn that "change is good".
Be ahead of the rest, by doing what others are not willing to
do. You'll be glad you did.
Are YOU Right For A Home-Based Business?
The internet is loaded with all sorts of ways for you to work from home. You will consider many options, finding the right fit for your ... and goals. But first, you have to take a look at yThe List Is The Thing
Many ... begin their online sales ventures with the wrong strategy to build long term success. Thinking that a website is the core of their business leads them to focus on getting website visitWhy You Need To "Know Your Opportunity"
Why You Need To "Know Your ... By Ken Leonard Jr. ©2002 KLJ Online Do you have great ideas and ... for starting and building your ... ... Great! Do you lack the mot