Like what you hear when you read about the latest way to make money fast and easy online? Better read this article first.
Those of you who have ever looked for methods to make money online may have noticed that everyone has the "easiest, fastest, and best" system. At least, according to everyone that's marketing the "easiest, fastest, and best" system. And some of those people marketing their 'super' systems do it very well. They have superb ad copy, testimonials, fancy mini-pages, and even video, and it's all designed to make you want to buy.
Here's the problem: If you go out and buy these systems because their ad copy sounds good, the only people getting rich will be the ones selling them to you. I'm not trying to sound high and mighty, because I've been tempted (and occasionally nailed) myself. A lot of marketers are good at what they do, and can be extremely persuasive.
The trouble is, you don't need them all. You don't even need some of them. What you need is an understanding of the ways you can make money online, and a plan to make it happen. This will involve you getting the things you require to make your vision a reality and leaving the rest alone.
Now, some of those people marketing online business systems, tools, or other peripheral stuff aren't all selling what you require. Some of them might be selling what you need, an example being a service to take credit card payments securely for your product's mini-site. Some are selling things that aren't necessary but might be handy, such as a high-end, heavily featured web development tool. And a lot of them aren't selling anything but the next wave of 'super' systems which are only going to get you more destitute.
I know that ad copy is tempting, especially when you hit bumps in the road and things aren't going the way you want. I've seen pages where I'm sorely tempted to buy into an ad copy because I'm a bit demoralized, knowing I may only get burned again. And yes, I've been nailed on occasion, much to my dismay. But when things aren't going right with your plan, the answer isn't randomized action. Step back, analyze what you're doing, and fix what's wrong. Resist the urge to make an online business decision with someone else's ad copy, because that's only going to lead you to disappointment.
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