In the world of direct sales, hostess coaching is a critical component for ensuring the success of home parties. A well-coached hostess is more likely to be engaged, prepared, and less likely to cancel the event. However, even with the best preparations, cancellations can occur, leaving consultants like Lucille S. from Homemade Gourmet seeking advice on how to handle these situations effectively. By implementing positive communication strategies and maintaining a proactive approach, consultants can reduce the likelihood of last-minute cancellations and keep their business thriving.
Lucille S. from Homemade Gourmet faces a common dilemma in direct sales: hostesses who become unresponsive as the party date approaches. Despite sending out hostess packages and following up with phone calls, Lucille has not received guest lists or any form of communication from several hostesses, leaving her in a difficult position.
"Hi Deb,
In November, I booked all my shows for January and gave each hostess their package. I asked them to send me their guest list with postage. Two weeks later, I see nothing in the mail. So I made phone calls, and needless to say, I left messages with those hostesses. I waited another two weeks and left another message. And Monday left another message, and there are three shows that I have heard nothing from. Could you give me a tip on how to handle this? One of the shows is next Wednesday! I could really use some help for this problem."
Deb's response to Lucille's query emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive and assertive stance when communicating with hostesses. By projecting confidence and assuming that the party will go ahead as planned, consultants can often inspire hostesses to take action.
"Hi Lucille,
I always talk to my hosts as if it is going to happen. I will host coach them by answering machine or email and never say a word about doubt or the possibility of cancellation. I may do it right up to the day of the show.
I have had shows that I did that with, host coached totally positive as if all is well, and never heard from them for 6-8 weeks from the time they got the packet. Then on the day before the show my message said: 'I got directions on the Internet and I will see you tomorrow at 6:00... give everyone a call and remind them about our fun show, blah, blah, blah...' Usually, that is enough to get them to call and say they have no one coming.
Several times I have done that, and never heard back, so then the day of the show I called an hour before the show and said: 'Since I haven't heard from you in 8 weeks, I guess I won't come... If you have anyone coming, give me a call and I can be there in 20 minutes (or whatever).' Twice after doing that I have had people call me back and say they are having people come over and they want me to come. The other times still nothing.
If you always leave your messages or emails in a positive tone that it is happening, they frequently start inviting people over. This is an area you really need to decide what you are comfortable with. I figure that I have already set the day aside, what difference does it make if I continue to do so until the last minute?"
Direct sales consultants can face challenges with unresponsive hostesses, but by employing a positive and proactive approach to hostess coaching, they can reduce the likelihood of cancellations. By following Deb's advice and considering additional strategies, consultants can enhance their hostess coaching techniques and ensure the success of their home parties.
For more insights on direct sales and hostess coaching, consultants can explore resources from the Direct Selling Association and Success Magazine, which offer valuable information and support for those in the industry.
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