How many of these mistakes are you making?
More often than not, internet markers focus on how to be successful online and ignore the things that might not make that success to come quickly or the things that might hinder their business continuity. This article explains basic things like goal setting, planning and other mundane things that seem so simple and yet very important to business continuity - basic things that may cause a home based business to fail if not applied properly.
Did you know that most internet business fail because they concentrate on whatto do and ignore what NOT to do - in the process they got cut up doing the wrongthings?This may come as a surprise to you...But,

there are great numbers of activities that you do over and over again on adaily basis; Some of this may include your lists and steps and ideas and allsort of things you get on your schedule only to realize that after all your effort, you're still struggling and the result are getting farther away from your goals - provided you have a goal.You see, there's a liberating force behind learning what NOT to do thatwill spur you on to success with all the thrusting power of a rocket plane.The real issue is the fact that there will always be more things to do than timeto do them. I'm sure you can relate to not having enough time to do what you'veplaned to do on a daily basis due to gazillion reasons.So, if you're using the little time you have doing the wrong things or doing the right things the wrong way…I hope you can see the problem here.Now I would imagine you might be wondering to yourself is there anything I should watch out for or what are thethings Ineed to do or not do?You should start by learning how-to apply on your daily schedule - how to say NOto things that interrupt your thoughts and prevent you from achieving your goals. If you watch out carefully what you do on a daily basis you will see some thingsyou're better off not even doing or simply let someone else handle it for you.One of the biggest mistakes I've made is not having a daily planner and followsthrough with it, as a result, I realized after a hard days' work, there islittle to show for my effort because I was not actually following through on aparticular project - I moved from one project to another and became jack of alltrade and master of none - Ouch!Come to think of it, there are many things to do, thousands of ideas to explore,great pitches and call-to-actions from gurus that cannot wait and so on and soforth…The truth is, you must learn to say NO to things that are not on your agenda andmanage your time efficiently despite all the temptations. What set me free waswhen I attended a goal setting class and I discover the importance of goal setting, daily planning and meeting deadlines. Since then, I started following through with my planning and my business have never remain the same. I start a project and finish it before moving on to something else and was able to see a clear progress and success.You might think this is not a hard thing to do!So, I challenge you to put it to test and try it just for one month. You see, goal setting is just one of the major things you need to succeed online, there are also some other things that you must NOT do and we have limited space in this article to explain them to you in detail.I will introduceyou to some of them now and then you'll have the opportunity to get the fullinformation that you can reference at your convenient time - you know, the topics you should think about until you get the full tips and techniques.Here you go… * Do you provide value in your business? * You create a product that you think is "cool" or "innovative" but not what people want or need * Do you listen to your customers and/or make your customer happy? * Do you keep your customer's relationship and the momentum going? * Are you measuring your business progress? * Do you attend to e-mail or chat online during your business hours?You don't have to worry about figuring out the correct answer to these questionsbecause you will get the detail tips and techniques to work around thesequestions and much more in the report…By applying and concentrating on what works best for you, your customers and your business; you'll free up some extra time to spend enjoying life while youmake progress in your business.Internet marketers sometimes forget that the reason we start online businessesis to free up time to do what we don't have time to do in the first place! Set up your goals, keep to your plans, make your customers happy and enjoy yourself - Start enjoying yourself today.