How To Increase The Stickiness Of Your Websites Or Blog

Jul 15


Shawn Lim

Shawn Lim

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Learn How To Increase Your Site's Stickiness.


Basically,How To Increase The Stickiness Of Your Websites Or Blog Articles it will be the dream of every webmaster or bloggers out there to have tons of traffic eveveryday. Getting traffic is important for webmaster or blogger, but to increase the stickiness of your website or blog also plays an important role. So what exactly is this stickiness? Put it simple, stickiness is the visit length of your visitors in your website or blog, the higher your site's stickiness, means the longer visitors will stay in your site. If you want to make money with your website or blog, then the stickiness of your website will be even more crucial. This is because it will determine the sales conversion rate for you. Or if you have Pay-Per-Click ads in your site, then stickiness will also help increase the click through rate.

There are a few ways you can increase the stickiness or your websites or blogs. These include :

Webpage or Blog Design You must clear with one thing, a good design of a webpage or blog won't bring you any traffic, however, it will help you increase your site's stickiness. Imagine that you have a poor site navigation, and your site looks very confusing, and the result? The first thing visitors go into your site, they will leave, fast. The main reason people visits your site is to get the information they are looking for, so if you have poor navigation that can't lead them to your content, you will lost a lot of visitors. If you are a blogger, you may consider putting an 'about' section into your blog, this will also help increase the trust between you and your readers. Readers will be more friendly with you if they can understand you better. In addition, you can also consider including your photo into it, which will help you raise your blog's credibility. And faces work better than words if you have a lot of readers and subscribers. Of course, if your site is a website and not a blog, then the story will be slightly different.

Quality Content Always remember this, your site is going to be visited by humans, not computer. Therefore, always write some informational and quality content for your site. Like I said before, visitors go to your site to look for the information they want, and if they can't find any useful information in your site, then they will definitely leave immediately. Besides that, if your content is of good quality, not only that you can attract many other visitors, you can also have returning visitors. So you can see now, if your content is great, visitors will always come back for more, make sense right? Absolutely. One more thing is that the title in your site. If your site is full of words, then be sure that your title will attract visitors to read them. The first thing that every visitor will do is to read through your title, then only goes into your content. Which means that if your title is not decriptive and sounds boring, then your visitors won't read them. This is especially true if you're a blogger, visitors won't read your posts if they don't understand your title, or the title makes them confuse.

So basically these are the few points that you should always keep in mind in order to increase your site's stickiness. Be it website or blog, there are still plenty of guides and tips that you can always follow to attract more visitors and make them stay longer in your site. The guides here I'm telling you are just simple basics, you can always find more in :

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