It's Free - Make Some Money

Mar 8


Chuck Baird

Chuck Baird

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Noticing how many "give-a-ways" there are in here now? Seems as if everyone on the Internet is giving away an e-Book or a CD or a video - right? Well, there is a logical reason for doing that. Please read on and I will try to explain it for you.

    Here's your Free e Book,It's Free - Make Some Money Articles Your Free CD, or Free Video! It will show you how to do this or that, - and they will give it to you FREE! Yeah, I know, most offers on the Internet are like this.

    The main reason most of the CD's, video's and e Books that are being given away is as follows: it is so they can capture your email address and name. That's correct, they want you to sign up so they can build their list.

    It is, whether you like it or not, just a sales tool. Although they are giving you the e Book, the video, or the CD, you aren't getting it for nothing. Or are you?

    Many of us (yes, including me) would love to escape our dull daily life and be free of it all. To build a business that can pay thousands or at least hundreds of dollars a day so we can live the life we dream about. The fast cars, the beach house, the personal and financial freedom that so few do achieve.

    I know this sounds like it's not possible from my point of view, and that is not what I mean. It all can be done, and this "give-a-way" in exchange for your name and address is one of the most successful ways to achieve that.

    Are you making any money selling? Have you made any successful inroads yet? If the answers to those are no, then you need to understand about the "reasons" things get done in here.

    This "List" we all hear so much about. You may want to pooh pooh that as Internet BS, but it isn't. How do you keep track of your sales if you get them? Do you use trackers or rotators or an auto responder? Do you know what they are?

    If someone buys from you, SUPER! You have made that money, Now what? Can you get in touch with them again? Perhaps you have similar items that maybe they would want to purchase also? How are you going to get back to them?

    That is what makes the successful marketers in here, well...successful! They milk the market until it is dry, and then milk it some more. And with the things that appear on the web daily, why not?

    Once you have developed a client, why not stay in touch with them? They have trusted you once, what makes you think they won't again? Give them the chance to be what is fondly referred to as a "customer". It could be a life long relationship if you let them know you care.

    With the majority of your sales, that won't happen. However if you think about the long term, keep your customers happy, you can form a relationship over time that is really good for both you and your business, AND YOUR CUSTOMERS!

    It's a natural thing to do business with people you like and trust. Can't that person be YOU? They are looking for you, and you should help them find you in every way you can.

    Guess what? I am going to offer you the same deal in this article. I want you to go to my website or my Blog,(they both have the offer), and sign up for my e Book. Sorry, I will need your first name and email address. (I have a list to build also.)

    It won't cost you anything except the information. However, this little book has some great info and after all - IT IS FREE. But I will say that you can contact me from either place, (site or Blog), you can contact me anytime and we will discuss anything you want regarding on line business

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